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You laid on the bench in the back of your cell, staring at the ceiling. Footsteps constantly walking past your door, curious as to when they're going to be for you. Just as the thought hit your mind a loud familiar stomping stopped outside your cell.

"I want her." He growled as the door to your cell opened. You sat up and stared at the troubled man. 
"Come with me." He hissed as he dramatically turned around, his cape floating in the wind. You questioned whether or not you should follow him, but anything was better than being locked in that hell for another week. You jumped to your feet and trailed behind him at a good distance.

"Are we just going to skip introductions?" You mumbled. He stopped in his tracks, causing you to walk straight into him. He didn't even budge an inch, almost as if he was a statue.

"Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. You're Y/N Kenobi." Your eyes widened and you couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"I'm not a Kenobi." You choked out between laughs. He slowly turned around to meet your gaze and raised a hand to your throat. Your laughs stopped abruptly and were replaced with gasps. You clawed at his wrist begging for him to let go.

"You're going to come with me and stay silent." He spit. You nodded as he let you go. You rubbed your throat trying to ignore the warmth that lingered between your thighs. His trail led you into an empty grey room. He lifted his hand and a cube floated up out of the floor. He stepped on it as it raised above you.

"Welcome to my training room." He turned to face you.
"The walls and floor are all movable. Go ahead." Kylo stood above you waiting for your attempt.

"You want me to do that?" You pointed to his levitating cube. He nodded and clasped his hands in front of him. You sighed and opened your hand to the ground. Nothing happened. You furrowed your brows and strained your hand.

"It's not happening." You growled slamming your fists down in frustration. Four cubes surrounding you flew up to the ceiling and slammed back into the ground. Fear overtook you and your eyes refused to leave from the floor. Kylo was taken aback. His cube slowly connected with the ground again as he strolled up to you. 

"Emotions." He mumbled as he looked you up and down.

"What?" Your words were drenched in frustration.

"Your powers are controlled by emotions. Anger, desperation, sadness... But not happiness or peace?" He circled you, studying your body.

"What are you going on about?" You threw your head up to meet his glare. You clenched your fists trying to contain your emotions. All you wanted to do was to go home and see Brendol. Everything was normal until he came into your life.

"Things were never 'normal' and you know it." He put air quotes around the word normal.

"How-" You looked at him with confusion, words stuck in the back of your throat.

"You're in my head. For the past month I've been hearing your thoughts." He took a step closer.

"That's impossible. I've been like this forever, so for me to just randomly pop into your head." You crossed your arms, firmly grasping your forearm to hide your fear. He took another step forward closing any space between you two. You gulped, looking up at him, your noses almost touching.

"You're afraid." He whispered. You could feel his hot breath brushing against your lips. The fire between your legs had been rekindled. He turned around, his cape brushing against your legs, and marched to the door of the training room. With the snap of his fingers four stormtroopers ran in.

"Yes, sir!" They shouted in unison.

"Take her to the stormtroopers quarters." He ordered as he left the room in a rush. You watched the squad of servants march towards you.

"It's fine guys." You raised your arms.
"I won't do anything, you don't have to knock me out this time." Sarcasm dripped from your lips. The stormtroopers nodded at each other and formed a circle around you. After countless minutes of strolling through the halls and staring at your feet you arrived at an empty room. You nodded at the squad and quietly stepped in, keeping your guard up. The lights turned on automatically and the door slammed down behind you. Your heart began to beat faster at the unexpected events. You strolled to the bed that had been provided and sat on the edge. Your head was flooded with thoughts. What did Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order, just make you feel? There was no way that you wanted him. You sighed as you kicked your legs onto the bed and laid your head against the stiff pillow. Will he be watching you now? More importantly, is he listening to you? You closed your eyes to try and get some rest but you couldn't stop thinking about his tall broad figure or the way he walks with passion. His clenched fists being an attempt to control his anger.

You heard a loud knocking at your door. You jolted up from your bed and scurried to open it. It was him. He had a mask on that had red streaks glowing through it. He must've just repaired it. You stepped to the side of the door, letting him in. You closed the door behind him and began to fiddle with your fingers.

"Y-Yes, sir?" Your words trembled with fear. Something about that mask just threw you through a loop.

"I can hear you again. You're thoughts are overbearing." He growled at the wall, not wanting to face you.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to distract you." You stared at the floor, hoping that this interaction would be over soon. You heard his body whip around as your throat began to close. Your eyes shot up at him to see he was doing this without any movement. You squeezed your thighs together at an attempt to push away the sensation brewing between your legs. 

"You feel aroused, confused, and scared all at once." He stepped closer, so close you could smell the carbon from his mask.

"I- I don't... know... what you-" He slammed a fist past your face and into the wall. You closed your eyes and turned your head to look away. He familiarly grasped your chin and pulled your face to look at him. 

"B-Breathe." You gasped, feeling yourself lose consciousness. You felt the wall in your throat collapse as you took a deep gasp for air. He may have let your throat go, but you were still floating, pinned against the wall.  His fist opened to a hand and he closed the space between you. Chests touching, his leg in between yours.

"What do you want?" His voice came across thick and mechanical, but still felt soft. You just stared at him with fear. He picked his hand up and slammed it again.

"Say it!" He screamed. The rattling of stormtrooper armor quickly approached your room. He quickly released your chin and waved his hand at your door, locking it before you could have any company. His leather fingers didn't waste anytime returning to your face.

"You." you choked out.
"I want.. you." You clawed at the cold panel behind you. He slowly let your body down and let out a heavy breath.

"Say my name." He growled as an order. You bit your lip.

"Kylo.." you mumbled. He tightened his grip on your chin.

"Say.. My.. Name." You couldn't tell if he was furious or aroused, but you didn't care this is what you wanted. It was what you needed.

"Supreme Leader...  I want you , Kylo Ren." Your words had only the slightest hint of confidence. He thrusted his hips gently against yours. You felt a bulge rub against your cunt, the fire between your legs began to burn stronger with lust.

"Kylo.." You mumbled, closing your eyes slowly. You heard him faintly mumble your name as a strong stinging sensation plastered your cheek. You tried with all your might to open your eyes, but you couldn't.

"Kylo?" You questioned louder. Once again the same sensation on your cheek.

Your eyes shot open only to see the General with his arm wound up. You quickly lifted your hands to stop him from hitting you again.

"Good, your awake." He adjusted his jacket and took a step back. 
"I was sent to fill you in with what's going to happen to you. Follow me to my office." He turned on his heel and began marching out of your room. You rubbed your cheek, trying to calm the pain he caused, as you jumped out of bed and follow his path.

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