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You woke up to a vacant space on your bed that so clearly used to belong to someone. You drifted a light hand over the wrinkled sheets and smiled. 

"Ben." Your eyes widened at the endless possibilities that could've happened to him. You threw your blankets to the side and sprung out of bed. You quickly threw on a black jumpsuit and wrapped your robe around you as you raced out the room. You felt your robe bouncing off your ankles with every step. The door to the command center drifted open at your presence and everyone's eyes shot over. Two officers scurried in front of you with a bow.

"Where's the commander?" You growled with panic. 

"He took a TIE fighter to Exegol, ma'am." One of the officers answered with a nod of their head. 

"Prepare me a ship, I'm going after him." The officers exchanged glares.
"That was an order. Now!" You shouted at them. They jumped at the change of tone and ran to the hangar. You followed close behind, jumping into the TIE fighter that they stood beside. You put in Exegols coordinates and took off at full speed. As you approached a place to land, lightning began to strike all around you and the fog thickened. You narrowed your eyes as you slammed your ship onto a platform. You jumped out and slid down the side, your feet pounding onto the cracked ground. You saw familiar footprints that led straight to a black hole. You could see a platform that acted as an elevator resting at the bottom. You took a deep breath, channeled the force within you, and took a leap of faith. Your hands and feet slammed against the cold ground as particles flew up around you. You sighed and sprinted in the same direction of the footprints. You took a sharp turn around a wall to be greeted by six men surrounding a taller man with a blue lightsaber.

"Ben." You mumbled. You sprinted towards them as he whipped the lightsaber around, defending himself as well as he could. You ripped your lightsaber off your belt and ignited it into the back of one of the men, your blade penetrating straight through him. Ben did a back flip over you, grasping another man by the shoulder and copying your act. He nodded at you and charged at another man. You grinned at his power and swung your lightsaber around, decapitating and impaling as many of the figures as you could. Before you knew it, you were surrounded by bodies. It was just you and Ben. 

"This way."He ordered as he sprinted into a room full of lightning and fog. You had no choice, you followed close behind. Ben ran over to a girl holding a blue lightsaber and took his stance. The same man from your dream sat before them. He lifted a finger in Ben's direction, sending him flying into a pit.

"No!" You screamed as you ran over to the edge. You turned your head to see the man cackling as the girl picked up the lightsaber Ben dropped. You felt tears soaking your cheeks, but you couldn't produce a single sound. He shot lightning out of his fingers at the jedi as she crossed the lightsabers. Slowly pushing against him you could hear her saying something.

"I am... all the jedi." She pushed the lightsabers, sending lightning back at the villain. You heard rocks falling beside you, which piqued your curiosity. You saw two familiar weak hands. You quickly grabbed his wrists and tugged him up.

"Ben." You cupped his face. He smiled at you, but he was worried about someone else. You both looked over to see the jedi lying on the floor. Ben stumbled to his feet just to collapse next to her body. He picked her up and hugged her lifeless form. He stared at you with tears in his eyes. Your stomach twisted as you stood up. He rested her on his lap, placing a soft hand on her stomach. He was going to give his life to her. You sprinted over to the dyad, but not in time. The girl was slowly lowering Ben's body onto the ground.

"No.." You choked, pushing the girl out of the way.
"I won't lose the last person I have." You placed a soft hand on his chest. Your tears were dripping off your face onto his shirt. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.

"Ben." You whispered as you felt yourself getting weaker.
"Please. Ben." You pushed on his chest. You couldn't say anything anymore. You opened your eyes as you collapsed on the ground. The last thing you saw was Ben sitting up, he recognized what happened. He got on his knees and cupped your face. You felt water droplets hitting your cheek. You smiled with what energy you had left. Everything slowly started shining too bright.

"I..." You couldn't even feel your lips moving.

"Love you." Your vision went black and you felt a soft hand graze the side of your face.

You were gone. You gave the rest of your life to the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. You couldn't imagine dying at the hands of anyone else.


A/N; I actually cried while writing this. Oof. I wanna write more so if you have a story idea please message me or comment <3 It could be one shots or full stories you want to see. :D

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