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You stood in a pitch black room. Red lightning was flashing all around you. You slowly turned in circles repetitively. 

"Hello?" Your soft voice echoed into the void.  You lifted your foot and tried to take a step forward. The ground was nonexistent and your whole body fell into the emptiness. You screamed while you flailed your arms, trying to grab something, anything. You closed your eyes, as your back slammed against the ground. You opened your eyes and sat up, confused as to why you didn't feel anything. In front of you was the commander. His fist were clenched and his face was revealed. He stared off into the distance behind you. You slowly stood up and studied your surroundings. Everything was blue and foggy. There was lighting and thunder along with an evil, thunderous, cackle that bounced around your head. You grasped your hair in your hands as you watched Kylo walk forward with caution. He held his lightsaber out in front of him like he was expecting someone to attack. You slowly followed behind him. What you saw made your stomach turn. You slid one of your hands down your face, from your hair, and covered your mouth. 

"Your connection to the dark side is fading. I can feel it draining out of you. I might have to deal with any... distractions that might compromise you." The laugh returned.

"You'll die first." Kylo growled over his lightsaber. You watched the decrepit mans face turn into a grin. His orange eyes were staring at you.

"Looks like you brought her to me." His hands raised in front of him. Kylos head whipped around to meet your eyes.

"Kylo." You held out your hand and closed your eyes. He cried out your name as you felt your body collapse to the floor. Shocks were pulsing through your veins.

You jolted up in your bed, sweat dripping down the sides of your face. You heard your name echo in the hallway. Your door slid open and Kylo glided in front it, grasping the frame.

"What was that?" You choked out. A single tear slid down your cheek.

"Not real. That's what it was." He panted as he slowly approached your bed, sitting on the edge.

"Who? Why did he want to kill me, Kylo." You couldn't take it. For all the times you pushed your emotions away, this time you couldn't. Your heart was racing, your lungs were pumping, you were afraid. Tears soaked your cheek as you grasped your blanket, pulling it up to your chest.

"His name is Palpatine. Emperor Palpatine." His eyes were locked on his hands. He rubbed his thighs up and down, hesitating to tell you anything.

"There's too much going on right now. I'm in too deep." You heard a crack in his voice.
"I don't want to be like this anymore, but..." His voice trailed off.

"But what?" You got on your knees and crawled over to him.

"But if I try to redeem myself, or go to the light side, he'll.. He'll kill you." His head turned to you. His brown eyes were glistening as a thin river soaked the sides of his cheeks.

"Kylo.." You brushed your thumb against his cheek, collecting his tears.
"I can handle myself. Besides, I had the best teacher in the galaxy." You winked at him as you playfully punched his shoulder. He let out a sad laugh and wiped his nose with his wrist.

"Why are you like this all of a sudden? What happened to the threatening, fearful, leader Kylo Ren." You rubbed his shoulder.

"There's a girl." His smile dropped. You felt your stomach twist.

"A.. A girl." You pulled your hand away from him.

"She's shown me that I still have good in me. That my mother and father would have, and still would, forgive me." A tear dropped once again at the mention of his mother. 

"I think it's time you fill me in." You threw your legs over the side of your bed and stared at your thighs. He let out a sigh.

"Very well. It all started-" He began. He explained everything to you. Han and Leia, Luke and his Jedi camp, Snoke, Rey. You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh to the end of his life story.

"What's so funny?" His brows furrowed.

"N-nothing, sir. You were young and manipulable. It's understandable. But your parents tried to get you back multiple times. They wanted their son back." You searched his face for an expression.

"I'm sorry. I overstepped. I understand how you feel." You took a deep breath and looked back down. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him. You felt his head rest on top of yours.

"Ben.." You whispered.
"It suites you." You let out a breathy laugh. 

"Sure." He squeezed your shoulder and started brushing it with his thumb. 

"Why did I have that dream then? If he's real and I saw that... Doesn't that mean I'm in danger?" You grasped your hands together tightly.

"You'll be fine. I'm here." He began to breathe heavily as his thumb slowed.

"Kylo?" He didn't respond. You turned your head to look at him and he fell back on your bed. Kylo Ren had fallen asleep on you. You smirked at the sight and grabbed his arms, dragging him up to the pillow on your bed. You took off his gloves and shoes and placed them next to him on the nightstand. You got under the covers and rested your head on his limp shoulder.

"Goodnight, Commander." You mumbled as you drifted back to sleep.

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