; a/n ; next story

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hEYA! i'm starting to brainstorm a little for my next story- don't worry though, in your next life is not even close to ending 😳 unless u want it to? 🥺👉👈 okie but here's a little flow chart thingy to get to know your opinions PS: i'm really looking forward to posting ; in your next life ; chapter 13! i hope you are too 🥺👉👈

i'll be putting options with corresponding alphabets so pls let me know what alphabets you get in the end!

1: pairing
A: lily x felix
B: athy x lucas
C: claude x diane
D: jennette x ijekiel uM

2: time era
E: modern day era
F: time era in webtoon
Y: before athy ended up in The Lovely Princess

3: age ( if you picked time era in webtoon, look at the age )
G: elementary school- wHA- (7-11)
H: middle school (12-15)
I: high school (16-18)
J: university (20-25)
K: working (20+)

4: AU?
L: none
M: assassination classroom
N: same world as ; in your next life ;
O: same world as ; missing you ;
P: others __ requests? ( i'll see what i can do though...)

5: story type:
Q: short story ( my short stories are usually not short btw- ) ( possible 20-40 chapters )
R: oneshot ( 1 chapter )
S: actually a short story like a short one- ( at most 10 chapters )

6: style
T: korean style ( drama-like )
U: manga/japanese
V: english ( young adult novel like- if i can do it )
W: letter/text message style

if you have any other suggestions, feel free to tell me! i hope you guys help me out by commenting the alphabets you want 🥺👉👈 love you guys!

till this monday,
ja, matane~
-eru <3

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