; a/n ; my other book!

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hEy guys! don't worry! this is not another rant session 🥺 i've got kinda exciting news! idk if it's rly exciting but i'm gna be doing two stories at once 😳 i'll be making a new story set in a joseon period type of story in another book, and i'll be continuing ; in your next life ; as usual <3 so here's a little sample of my new story's prologue- i really really wanna know your thoughts on it so i'll really appreciate your comments!

and and i'M SORRY if i got ur hopes up- don't worry i've got a rly fluffy chapter for monday next week <3

  so on to my plot! my story is set in joseon, but it's called obelia! and instead of being reincarnated into Lovely Princess, athy is reincarnated into Runaway Princess, where she runs away disguised as a boy when Claude is sending guards to hunt her down. she's then taken in by lily and at 18 where she's supposed to die, she fumbles across a boy named lucas instead, and little does she know he's the young master of the Yellow Fortress! but of course, not all love stories begin happily, do they? 👀 this focuses mainly on lucas x athy but i'll rmb to include other character ships too hehe- and don't worry,, claude will be a rly big part of this story too! ( this is not the blurb but this is a summary! )

runaway princess ; prologue

When I woke up, I never knew what to expect. Was I in heaven? Perhaps, hell? Like one of those living in a painful memory, just like in Lucifer.

My body was aching- as if I'd been paralysed and yet, my vision was crystal clear. Was I dead here too? Stuck in this body of overdosed sleeping pills.

  The place around me looked grand, like an ancient palace in the 19th century.

Looking at my hands, I could feel myself puzzled. They were tiny. Tiny. My body, small and stumpy.

  I was a baby.

  "Princess Athanasia has woken up!" A young woman in a maid uniform exclaimed. Her eyes were dark brown, hair hazelnut, glistening with the sun. "Call his majesty!"

  It now made sense. The name was unique, the first time I'd heard of it out of a series. After all, all I'd thought about till I woke up was about a novel I read. A prologue of the story <Lovely Princess>, <Runaway Princess>. In Runaway Princess, Princess Athanasia had been loathed by her father for as long as she could remember. Raised in the consort palace where countless concubines had been massacred, she was never allowed to stay in the Emerald Palace, the palace for the royal princess.

  At the young age of 8, she had run away, being found in the village by a young woman by the name of Lilian in the village, a wandering orphan who took her in and raised her like her own sister.

And as such, Lilian went away when Athanasia was 15, to the palace as a servant. Even so, Athanasia was still found at 18, taken back to the palace where she'd replaced a new face, Jennette.

However, she was framed of treason still, and died at the hands of her own father.

It was similar to Lovely Princess, but different, in its own way. But I couldn't believe my own thoughts either, thinking I was in a novel.

  "His majesty said to take her to the Ruby Palace instead..." The voice sounded crestfallen as they mumbled. "He doesn't want to see her highness?"

  "I'm afraid not."

  At this point, I could already conclude- I was in Runaway Princess- as Claude De Elger Obelia's daughter, Athanasia who dies in his hands.


  Despite my cruel fate, I got my father to love me. And so our daily morning tea sessions began, and the feeling of clinging onto him and his royal guard Felix grew on me. Because I knew what it felt like to have a family.

  But for some unforeseen circumstance, Father lost his memories. Our precious moments, all gone.

  And at the age of fourteen, I felt like my death date was due. He wanted to kill me, making me a wanted person. And the worst part was that- I never had anyone to lean on.

  Instead, I finally ran away like the original story, disguised as a boy to never be found.

  And that was my start of Runaway Princess.

i'm sorry this isn't rly good i had to like skip alotta parts uk TAT basically everything goes the same (except that athy hasn't met ijekiel,, lucas and jennette) until claude loses his memoriess. iDKK aAAA but this is the prologue of mai newest story 🥺 i hope u like itt!!1!1! i'm sorry i spent so much time explaining >< i hope u guys don't mind me parking this chapter here <3 once again i love you guys hehe

wad are your thoughts on itt?

till next monday,
ja, matane~
-eru <3

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