Tests of Trust Part 1

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"What?" Manon snapped coldly as she stared at the queen of Terrasen's face. They were seated at the dining table once more, this time for breakfast, the table laden with pastries and fruits and fresh milk. That morning, they were allowed to sleep to their leisure, Manon being forced up by Dorian, who was already ready when she opened her eyes. They've arrived at the dining room only to have Aelin tell them to most ridiculous thing ever.

"I repeat," Aelin said, in patronizing tone ", Our guests will be taking tests of trust with each of us. Since we're all as hard as stone and that shit, they need at least half of our approval to make us agree to listen and help."

"I am not a part of your court," Manon replied coolly.

Aelin stared at her and said ", No, you're not. But we are in the alliance are we not?"

"That does not give you control over me."

"I'm just saying, that if they were to bring over the Valg-by accident-you might find yourself alone."

Manon stared long and hard at her, the gold in her eyes solid and strong as the burning fire within Aelin's turquoise ones as she returned the stare. Someone pointedly cough and Manon made a point to show her teeth to Aedion and he threw his hands up in defense.

"Fine," she breathed.

"Fine," Aelin in return.

They stared at each other some more until Aelin sighed and finally said ", This is pointless. Just know, that we are splitting, ladies, we're going shopping for my baby shower tonight. Boys." She grimaced ", You do what you do."

Rowan and Aedion's eyes glowed as they grinned, and Dorian only gave a small mischievous smile. But Manon ignored all that as she suddenly whirled to Aelin, the movement would crack a normal's person neck, but to an immortal, it was nothing more than stretching. But that wasn't the point.

"We're going what?"

"Shopping," Aelin said, studying her nails.



Manon was tempted to throw the queen out of the window and then face the wrath of her mate afterward, but any more time wasted than she and Abraxos would miss their morning ride, and Manon would have to miss breakfast, she was starving as she already missed dinner.  She already ate regular food their entire journey here, but she is aching for blood.

She gave the queen of Terrasen a vulgar gesture over her shoulder as she walked out, Dorian going after her. Aedion was heard whistling before someone snapped something at him that made him shut up, ringing laughter rang out afterward. 

Dorian walked beside her, nibbling on a piece of chocolate pastry as he looked at her incredulously.  She raised a brow at him. "What?"

He just shook his head and laughed. ", You know, as an immortal, it would seem that your age is catching up to you, you seem like a grumpy old man."

Manon halted in her tracks. "You too?"

Dorian only threw his hands up in exasperation. "A little girl time will do you good."

She huffed. "Just say you're sick of this cranky immortal presence and be done with it."

Dorian scrunched his eyebrows ", why would you think that? I don't think I'll ever get sick of your presence."

"Because mortal women are too breakable?"

"No," Dorian said, nuzzling her neck "Because you're you."

Manon turned up confused, as they entered Abraxos's little alcove in the sky. The wyvern jumped up immediately, his tail swishing as he huffed at them, as if to say, you're late. Manon only gave him an eye roll and Dorian gave him a little pat on the head. She started strapping herself in when she realized Dorian was still there. 

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