Part 22

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Aedion was impatient, Lysandra could glean from the way he simply paced in their chambers and the way he spends more time training. It has only been a few days, and yet they were all worried. It was on early the fifth day when the thunderous clap resounded and the castle shook with the vibration, it was the middle of the night, but it matter not, as Aedion pulled on his pants and ran out still buttoning his shirt, Lysandra was by him in matter seconds, in ghost leopard form.

The doors sprang open as they rushed out, the cold breeze whipping against them as they sprinted. The company was exactly where they had left, standing in the streaming moonlight, Abraxos already sprawled down. They all turned their eyes upon Aedion and Lysandra. In the dark, their eyes glow an animalistic aura. Looking at the sapphire, gold, turquoise, green, hazel, and black eyes and their bearers standing solemnly would have scared the living shits out of anyone. 

"Why," Aelin crooned ", Did my cousin miss me that much?"

Aedion gave a simpering male smile ", I would like to say that I did not check nor do any of the paperwork that had arrived since you left."

"You son of a-" Aelin started with an innocent, straight face.

"We're here to regroup," Elide said pointedly with a smile.

"For what?"

"We're having a conference with their other lords on the matter."

"So is it really the...?" Aedion started but didn't finish as Manon nodded.

Lysandra sat as Aedion swore softly under his breath. "We are coming this time right?"

Aelin nodded. "We will remain here until the rest of our company has had the chance to work things over, no one knows how long we'll be gone."

"Where's Fleetfoot," asked Evangeline as everyone whipped their head towards her, the fourteen-year-old still in her nightgown, her red hair limp with sleep.

"How did you get here?" Aedion snapped. Lysandra started pushing her large head against Evangeline to get her into a slow shuffle back.

The girl coughed, annoyed, and said ", I am to be Lady of Aran, Should I or should I not know the whereabouts of Terrasen?"

"Fleetfoot is fine," said Aelin ", Playing with some other dog."

"Saffron," Feyre corrected.

"Fancy name."

"I know what's going on," Evangeline said ", I wish to join you upon your journey."

"Darrow's really teaching you how to talk fancy, isn't he."

"I'm going-"

There were suddenly the trampling of strong hooves beating against the solid spring grass, looking up they saw a blob of white upon the horizon traveling towards them, Feyre and Rhysand drew their swords, a single swipe of Aelin's hand had them lowering it. They didn't protest, it was her kingdom.

They didn't even flinch as the Lord of the North, his white fur resplendent, dark eyes vivid and conscious, stopped gracefully before them. The immortal flame between his antlers glowing stark against the dark night sky. 

There was no breath as the stag stepped towards the Queen of Terrasen, lowering his head, the flame jumping in uneven embers as they engulfed Aelin raised palms. And yet they did not burn her, did not shrink nor grow, instead it seeped into her palms, like a trickling stream emptying out into a small expanse of a pond until it eventually died out. Without another word, the white stag trotted back into the dark haven of the forest.

No one dared to say a word, to move. Aelin raised her left hand up just a bit higher, at her response flame leaped dancing in sparks, circling her body. She then looked at them, and as if unsure, she swept her arm in a smooth arc, and in answer the castle of Orythn was suddenly surrounded by a ring of fire, control, and kept at bay.

They all looked at her as the queen gave a lazy and wide, edged with cruelty, smile. "Guess which fire breathing bitch queen's back?"


The witch kingdom was much more beautiful than when Dorian had visited last, not that he visited much, he'd only been there twice. The Wastes weren't mountainous and hilly like Terrasen, wasn't mist and smoke like Rifthold wasn't diverse like Ellywe instead being flat rolling expanses of grass peppered with wildflowers, the city that sprang from the roots was glistening made of not stone, not glass, not marble, but rather a mix of all. The houses and markets were made with a sort of limestone, not white but not pink nor yellow, chiseled in artistic and angular shapes, some had roots and veins of greens and blues and purples twining through the material, setting an earthy tone. 

The castle, though small compared to Orythn and Rifthold's, was made of the same material, the different hues of color reflecting in the bright daylight, the roofs sloped and pointed, the walls peppered with wide windows, clearly made for the wind to let in, as well as many terraces and balcony seemingly perfect for landing a wyvern.

"Did you design it?" Dorian asked as they started to descend from the sky.

Manon started to shook her head-then paused. "Some," She finally replied ", I tried following Glennis's description of how it used to look. 

"Do you like it?"

At first, he thought she wouldn't reply, judging by her unmoved beautiful face, Abraxos was now making a circle to land. Eventually, she said ", Yes, I like it."

"I like it too," Dorian offered as Abraxos landed gently in a plot of grass ", I think it's pretty."

Manon gave him an incredulous look and started strapping and unhooking herself from Abraxos' back, hopping down, Dorian soon by her. She gave Abraxos a pat before the wyvern took off to wherever he dwelled in the castle. 

Dorian raised a brow ", Are we not going to the castle?"

There was a slight smile on her face as she said ", If you think the city is so pretty, then why not take a walk."

Smiling, Dorian leaned down to nuzzle her neck, whispering into her ear ", You know what else I think is pretty?"

The witch gave him a look that was both curious and pinched.

Chuckling, they continued on their way.



um, I didn't update for days, and how the heck did I get 1.5k views? Eee! Thank you~ 

also, I am desperately trying to follow through on Manon's and Dorian's personality so alert me if I do something like-off. Please. I want this to be as close to them as possible, lol. ANyways that's it for now. 

Wings and Heartbeats (Manorian Fanfiction and crossover between ACOTAR and TOG)Where stories live. Discover now