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Elain's Point of View

Elain was trying very hard to not glance back towards the place in which her sister, along with her mate had ripped a scar across the sky, winnowing right through it. The sky sealed itself immediately after, patches of blue and white knitting together, puffy clouds racing to replace the ones who had dissipated. Fixed, as though nothing happened. 

A bead of sweat rolled down the back of her neck, as she crouched over and pulled at a weed that had taken root between the carrots and tomato vegetation. She looked over at Maven, the dark-haired boy sitting on one of the sun chairs, playing with Saffron, a dark-haired, fluffy spitz they had adopted after Maven turned one. 

They had named the dog after the rare spice right after they brought him home and he stamped right on the patch that Elain had tried to grow. No one was mad, in fact, Maven jumped right after the dog, giggling and covered in mud. Feyre bought more for Elain as an apology, it was an easy one to accept.

Now her nephew looked up at her and waved in which Elain returned with a smile. She got up, dusting the dirt off her gardening dress, her hands-free of gloves, the magical pair Lucien had given her on the solstice that year back was sitting in the back of her closet, discarded and new.

She walked towards Maven, her feet steadier than they'd been in a long time. She felt a shadow slink from behind her and couldn't help the slight blush along her neck as she spotted Azriel joined her mid-stride. His wings were tucked in neatly, he was still in leathers, casual and practical. He gave her a small smile, barely noticeable if Elain didn't watch out for it.

She returned it with a wide, careless smile. 

He only looked forward, to where Maven had already started running towards them. His legs carried him nimbly, soaring through the air, Paprika chasing after him. Elain crouched, catching the boy in her arms.

"Can you make fruit tarts today?" the boy asked hopefully, eyes lit, voice like flowing streams, bubbles, and stars.

"Sure," Elain replied ", Do you want to help Auntie pick some strawberries?"

"Yes," Maven squeaked.

Elain gave a pointed incredulous look towards Az ", And will you care to join us?"

Azriel only said, the corners of his mouth twitching ", Perhaps."


There was clap in the sky then, and Elain and Azriel whipped they're towards the sky, were slowly but surely it was tearing, like burning paper. Elain's eyes widened and she looked back to Azriel, his face unmoving, set in stone. "Do you think they're back?" she asked hopefully.


Before Elain could retort at the short answer, the others came running out. Amren sauntered over, and Mor in the usual stalking gait. Cassian and Nesta visited two weeks ago, now they're back at the camp. Cassian was Cassian and Nesta... .was different.

Just then, the sky finally slit, a clean-cut compared to the rough edges from when they left. Then there was the blinding flash once more, and Elain distantly wondered what the citizens of Velaris though of the issue, probably go on their way and mark it as another issue within the High Lord and Lady's estate. 

The light parted, shadows and order slicing within like a blade. She knew she could still use her powers to guess when they would come back, but it still felt too soon. Especially as they were nearing another near danger.

Rhys came first, flashing before them as a wish granted, he gave a wide smile to them, despite the strength he must have spent to unfold the very folds of the worlds, unraveling threads. Feyre came immediately after, placing a hand on her mate's shoulder before she took them in. She spared a glance for Rhys before racing for them.

Maven shrieked with joy and hopped into his mother's arms. Feyre nuzzled his neck before giving a smile to the inner circle. Amren smirked and Mor grinned in return. Her sister lowered Maven gently to give Elain a swift but fulfilling embrace. 

Elain smiled through the tangle of Feyre's dark brown locks ", You've only been gone for three days you know?"

"Felt like forever," Feyre admitted.

Elain laughed and through their hug, she saw another flash, the newcomers they bore must have been dangerous enough for the Inner Circle to tense and spring into battle formation.  Feyre pulled back and waved a hand ", Relax, they're safe."

Hard to believe when there were six very intimidating and very beautiful people standing within their garden, as well as a golden-haired dog that immediately started to play with Saffron. But that wasn't it. The Fae they could take care of, but it was the beast behind them. It had Elain stepping back, and she noticed the not so subtle step Azriel took between them.

The beast was two-legged and winged, a gray hide, iron barbed teeth and spiked tail that swished around lazily, its dark eyes were nearly as big as Elain's head. Something within those eyes was intelligent, something that kept it from immediately springing to murder them all.

Rhys finally spoke, Maven now in his arms, playing with his father's hair ", Meet the Kings and Queens and their companions of the Land of Erilea."

Elain, not knowing what to do, gave a shaky smile towards them. " Elain Archeron, sister to the High Lady."

Mor grinned ", Well, cousin, why didn't you tell me you were bringing over such refined company? You should've given me time to get ready."

Rhys simply raised a brow and shrugged. "Forgive me if I do not find it in me to tear the sky apart just so you can spend two hours within your room."

Rhys then turned towards the royals and started introducing them. "This is Azriel, my spymaster. Amren, second in command. Mor, my cousin, and our ambassador. Cassian, my captain in battle is not here right now, as well as Feyre's other sister, Nesta."

They each stepped forward in time with their name. The royals were now eyeing them, some assessment frank and others more thorough. In any case they each stepped forward to introduce themselves.

"Dorian Havilliard, King of Adarlan." Appreciative glances from Mor.

"Manon Crochan Blackbeak, Queen of the Witches. My mount, Abraxos." Silence from all of them.

"Elide Lochan, Lady of Perranth. My mate, Lorcan Lochan." Giggles and snorts at that.

"Aelin Ashryver Whitehorn Galathynius," the golden-haired woman grinned, earning raised brows and knowing smirks ", Queen of Terrasen and my dog, Fleetfoot. Oh, and my mate, Rowan Whitehorn Galathynius."

That earned an eye roll from her mate.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" The queen of Terrasen said with a questioning eyebrow ", We have much to discuss."

Feyre nodded and started to lead them inside the estate, they trusted this company enough to not use the house of Wind apparently. Fleetfoot and Saffron stayed outside, chasing each other and taking turns that tackling the other. Elain heard Aelin whistled and complimented ", Cute baby."

Interesting company they've brought.

Wings and Heartbeats (Manorian Fanfiction and crossover between ACOTAR and TOG)Where stories live. Discover now