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Author's note (It'll be quick I swear)
Thank you for checking out 'Replay'. Be sure to leave a comment letting me know what you think!
Enjoy <3 ~Owl


-Zak's POV-

The first day back at school is never a great one. Sure you get to see your friends again, but there's always that person you don't want to see. Or people, for that matter.

School was never your thing anyway.

I shrug to myself in the mirror, revealing the black t-shirt under my oversized light blue hoodie as my shoulders lift. I smile sadly to myself. I'm so small. 5'8 at seventeen is small as it is, but my build doesn't do me any favours in looking bigger.

My phone gives off a full buzz from where it's buried under my bedsheets. I scramble across the room towards it, tripping on a loose floorboard and hitting head first into the corner of my desk. "Shit" I mumble, lifting a hand to my cheek and feeling blood pool from it.

I pick myself up off the floor and position myself on the edge of my bed. Running a hand through my raven hair, I scroll through my phone.

~1 unread message~

I tap the message and read the contents.

You're not gonna leave me on the bus alone again are you? C'mon Zak it's the first day!
8:05 am

I feel a pang if guilt after remembering the last day of last year. I couldn't even look my own best friend in the face after what happened.

I type a rushed message back, my fingers dancing across the screen

Haha nkt this mrning I am a chjnged
8:14 am

Not in your spelling you're not lol. Prove it. 8:25 sharp or I tell the bus driver ur sick today
8:15 am

Bet I'll mwke it 8:20 fr thise gumny wrms u
alwys carry
8:15 am

You're on.
8:16 am

Rushing down the stairs while almost tripping several more times, I cram my phone into my black jeans and scout the area between the stairs and the door carefully.

There's nobody here.

I sigh in relief and bolt out the door down to the bus stop. The bus is already there. I jump on the bus and swipe my battered card against the machine. "Morning.... my god is that Carder? Haven't seen you here on time in weeks, maybe longer!" the old bus driver chuckles to himself. "I'm a changed person" I laugh nervously, rubbing the back of my neck with my spare hand.

Are you really going to manage that?

I ignore myself and shuffle down the narrow bus in search of Vincent. My eyes shuffle through person after person as I awkwardly squeeze down the bus, people giving me light-hearted punches on the shoulder and high-fives as I pass. I've always had some popularity due to my place on the baseball team, especially as I'm a full year below all the other players.

Replay  {Skephalo}Where stories live. Discover now