24 | Pain

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. *. ~. *Without pain, we'd have nothing. *. ~. *


Not a lovely name for a chapter I know, but it fit the best. Polite warning that this chapter is pretty dark.
Any of my future TLS readers: you've seen worse lmao.
Love ya <3 ~ Owl


-Darryl's POV-

My head spins as I return to consciousness. Or at least I think I do, the world is still black when I open my eyes. I take in the familiar scent of my own bedroom, I mustn't have been taken anywhere. My hands are clasped together, and I discover they're tied up with rope as I try to pry them apart.

I've been kidnapped.


I really need to stop getting kidnapped.

Either that or the author needs to be a little more creative with how these things happen...

The door swings open, I can tell it does by the creaking sound. I've never been more thankful for those damaged doors than now. They give me some sense of what's going on at least.

"Oh you're awake. That wasn't long." The voice is unmistakable, I've heard it so many times before I know for certain who it is.


I remember the encounter in the halls Zak and I had with him last week. Zak's confidence is what managed to get Zelkam to back down. I decide to try this myself, as I can't exactly punch him like Zak did then.

"A little patronising to your own self esteem to knock me unconscious like that don't you think Zelk? You could beat me in a fair fight y'know" I say, painting on a smirk like the one Zak always uses in these situations. I don't know how he does it, I'm literally terrified.

My answer is a sharp pain to my cheek. I cry out, feeling what must be blood run from where Zelk struck. "I'd not be so cocky, you are the one who's tied up..." Zelk snorts. "That's probably your little boyfriend's fault you've gained that confidence against me. Oh don't worry, he'll be here soon."

My stomach drops, a sickening feeling rising through me. Zak's coming here? Now?

The fabric is removed from over my eyes with a tug, revealing the room I'm in to be my own bedroom. I catch my reflection in the mirror behind Zelk, who's stood on the opposite side of the room, facing me with a smirk.

My left cheek is bleeding in a steady steam down my face, dripping onto my hoodie. I'm tied to my desk chair, my wrists knotted together behind the backrest. There's a kitchen knife resting on the desk behind Zelk, blood dripping from the blade. That must've been what he cut me with.

"Wh-what d-do y-you mean Zak's on his way?" I ask nervously, trying to take control over my trembling voice. That evil smirk widens to a grin. "I sent him a message to come over here ten minutes ago, so he should be on his way now..." I clench my teeth, glaring at Zelk in anger. "You leave Zak out of whatever the hell this is!" I spit.

My phone buzzes in the corner, just once. It's on the desk next to the knife, so I can't see it. Zelk glances over at the screen, picking it up and showing it to me. "Looks like that's not happening." I read the phone screen held in front of me:

~ 6 unread messages ~

Zak ❤️
3:30 am

Darryl what's going on?
3:30 am

Zelk wants to meet me at yours
3:31 am

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