8 | Apologies

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Zak reaches out to Vincent after the events of last night. Will he ever be forgiven?


-Zak's POV-

~sending message to: Vincent~

Hey Vin, u ok?


Hi Vin, u alright? Srry 4 what happened last night.


I throw my phone on the bed in front of me, grabbing fistfuls of the sheets and pulling angrily at them. Apologies have never been my specialty, I'm so damn stubborn and hate apologising. But I know I'm in the wrong here, I've got to say the first thing.

My eyes scrunch up against the glare from my phone. I'm having to try so hard to spell right, I need to make this work. Vin is my best friend, and possibly the only real one I got left.

Other than Darryl.

As if hearing his name, two knocks suddenly come from the other side of my door. "Come in" I say tiredly, wiping the sleep from my eyes. The door creaks open, and in comes Darryl. "Morning!" I chirp to him as I try to discretely cover my phone in the bedsheets. It buzzes, illuminating the room once more.


"Morning muffin!" Darryl replies, giving me a wide smile and sitting in the seat at the desk. His expression saddens at the look on my face. "What's wrong?"

The silence looms over us, so much so that I can hear the birds chirping outside the small window behind the older boy. They're singing a solemn melody, making the silence stretch longer. It's finally broken by my phone buzzing a couple of times, the light shining each time. It illuminated the room like a flashlight.

So much for hiding that.

"Is it any of your injuries?" Darryl asks kindly, taking one of my hands in his. He rolls the cuff of my hoodie to my elbow, revealing a blood soaked bandage underneath. I wince slightly. "Oh my goodness!" he whispers. "That needs fixing. I'll be right back mini muffin!" He sets my hand down gently and walks out, presumably to fetch some more bandages. I take this opportunity to check my phone.

~6 unread messages~

Yo Zakky. Cops turned up last night at 11. Didn't see u there when they arrested ppl- they took quite a few kids! I wasn't one of em don't worry. Sick fight tho between u and V!
8:24 am

Shitty cops ain't gonna stop our fun. Gonna move to the club just outta town to avoid em. Will arrange and tell ya the details at school.
8:26 am

Anger boiled inside of me. A sick joke is all Zelk took our fight for, a chance to gain some more popularity. I'm so fucking done with his shit.

Yo Z. Saw the cops take a bunch of kids including V. Dunno where u went.
8:26 am

My stomach drops. Vincent was arrested. Why didn't anyone try to help him? The last message was from him. I nervously opened our chat.

I got arrested. Hope you're fucking proud of yourself Zak.
8:27 am

Tried looking for you before I ran. I still cared. You left me. Didn't see you get arrested with us.
8:27 am

Don't try talking to me. I've had enough of your shit.
8:28 am

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