13 | Stay

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.* ~. *. 'Your problems aren't a burden, they don't define who you are.'.  *. ~. *. ~. *


Enjoy your fluff- you've earned it after last chapter! Love ya <3  ~ Owl


-Darryl's POV-

The past few hours have been a total nightmare. I was a sobbing mess earlier as I carried Zak to the infirmary. The nurse in there who I thankfully get on really well with was so kind to me. She even gave me a hug I looked so awful. The rusted mirror caught my reflection when I was in there.

I looked a total mess.

I claimed that I was in the bathroom with Zak when he tripped and hit his head. Luckily, the nurse examined him to find that he had a nasty scrape to his forehead, but nothing serious.

She was going to check the rest of Zak for sprains or fractures as well, but I made up some lame excuse about Zak being really uncomfortable with people. I'm not completely wrong.

So this brings me to now. Just gone 4pm, in my apartment with Zak lying on my bed. Still unconscious, he's not woken up once in the three hours he's been out. I'm still crying, tears flooding silently down my cheeks. I have no idea what happened in there. If Zak collapsed, if Vincent pushed him. If he pushed him I swear I-

I'm so glad I went, I can't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't. Things could've ended a lot worse. I had to practically beg the nurse to not call an ambulance. They would certainly check Zak for other injuries, and they'd see the scars, and it'd cause so many more problems.

He didn't need that stress, not after what's already happened.

Moping in the bathroom isn't going to do anything. I walk back out into the main area of the apartment, brightening the lights against the ever darkening sky outside. My stomach growls in protest. I didn't even eat earlier, I've been so scared. Sighing heavily, I grab a cup of pot noodles out of the fridge and head to my room.

Zak's lying in the middle of my double bed, face contorted slightly in pain. It breaks my heart to see him so hurt. He doesn't deserve this, he already deals with too much.

I still can't believe what I heard earlier. Self-harm, but why? There's got to be more. Vincent mentioned something about Zak's parents, but I don't know what. I don't even know if I'll tell Zak what I heard when I wake up, I don't know what to say.

Zak shifts slightly. He reaches out a weak arm, holding it in midair as if he's trying to grab something. "Darryl..." he mumbles, still trying to clutch at nothing. My noodles are disgusting, so I set them down on the side.

I walk over to Zak, holding out my hand in front of his outstretched one. "Hi muffin, how're you feeling?" Zak clutches my hand, pulling it towards him.

His eyes are barely open, drowsiness still weighing down his eyelids. He says nothing, pulling me closer until my legs hit into the side of the bed. "Need anything muffin?" I ask quietly. His grip tightens. "Stay..." he mumbles, tugging on my arm once more. "Stay."

"Ok. I'll stay."

Zak moves closer to the wall, clutching his head with his spare hand. I lay in the bed beside him, gently resting his head on my chest. He sighs quietly as I run a hand through his raven hair, still clutching my other hand. "That better mini muffin?" Zak buries his face in my hoodie. "Mhm."

My cheeks heat deeply, turning a dark shade of red. I'm laying like this with my friend.

Oh but it feels so right though.

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