10 | Lies

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. *A not so ordinary baseball practise...* .


Had a lot of fluff recently, so it's about time we get some action don't you think?
Love ya <3 ~ Owl


-Darryl's POV-

There was a note stuck to the door of my apartment. I'm not used to notes being left for me, I don't have that many friends at this school. I presumed it was one of 'those kids' asking me to do their homework again, but wondered how they'd know which dorm is mine.

It's not uncommon for me to have a note slipped through my locker asking about question eight for the chemistry homework or the assignment for geography. People don't seem to like coming to ask me in person, and I'm not naïve enough to believe it's because they're shy.

Zak could've been the same. Trying to keep a reputation is hard enough, you don't want to be seen with a nerd like me. It's always reputation around here.

But Zak wasn't like that, was he?

No, I kept my hopes up because I hoped that someday, someone wouldn't be embarrassed to talk to me.

And I think I've found that person.

I peel the note off of my door, expecting to be slightly agitated by the sticky line left on my door. But instead, I was pleasantly surprised to find there wasn't one. Whoever left the note was presumably not in a hurry.

Looking at the handwriting, I immediately know why. The handwriting is unmistakably Zak's. Thankfully now that I tutor him, it's become slightly legible, I can't say the same for it last Monday.

That's rude Darryl, he's really trying.

I read the note and smile to myself, neatly folding it and tucking it in my pocket. His spelling is far better when he's not texting.

'Remember we have practice. Sports field, 3:30. Get changed without me I'll meet u there. Can't wait to finally beat u at something >:) '

I can't help but smile at the face on the end, it's like something I'd do. My watch reads off 3:15pm, and I duck inside my apartment to change.

The baseball kit is the same colour as our school logo. An almost garish Yellow shirt and knee-high socks to match, with some dark green shorts.

The school emblem is plastered on every piece of the kit, the yellow and green arrowhead blending perfectly in if not for the black outline. I'm reminded of Zak's bag, which has an identical emblem on it. The kit is spare and therefore unnamed unlike Zak's.

This also means it's slightly too big, as 5'10 at eighteen isn't exactly tall in comparison to my classmates. I'm reminded of Zak, and how wearing the spare kit would be for him. He barely scrapes 5'8.

Mini muffin.


The sports field is surprisingly small for the size Northbrookes Academy actually is. Our school is pretty wealthy for a public school, which is probably compensated for by the 150 dorms for seniors on site.

The rest of the baseball team are gathered at the far end of the field. All are my age, most taller than me, but some shorter. They vary in size and build, as well as social status. There's obviously no nerds, but only a few of them are recognisable as 'those kids'.

"Who invited the nerd?" sneered one of the taller boys, who definitely was one of 'those kids'. He was decently taller than me, with blonde hair and a fair bit of muscle. The ends of his hair were dyed pink. "Oh come off it Dave" laughed a brown-haired boy with glasses, giving Dave a friendly punch in the arm. The brown-haired boy looked around before asking "where'd Skeps get to anyway? Late again?"

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