16 | Ruined

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*. ~The good and the bad, all in one.... *. ~


-Darryl's POV-

I was hesitant at first about telling Zak about my scars. When I'd first seen his, I wondered if I should've told him there and then. But I didn't know the reason for them back then. He's doesn't realise it, but he's the stronger person for explaining his first.

He seems to think I'm stronger than him when dealing with this sort of thing. It only seems like that because I don't deal with it anymore. I got out of it when I moved into my dorm and away from my parents.

Which wasn't even two weeks ago.

I was lucky in the sense that I only dealt with it for a couple of months, just like Zak. It's September now, and both of us started having these problems back in June. Difference is, I'm out of it now, and Zak isn't. It was awful trying to get out of that vicious cycle alone, and I'm determined to make sure that Zak doesn't face the same fate.

He has me. I'm gonna be here for him.

I didn't discuss my problems with Zak much in depth after he broke down just seeing my scars. Just the parents arguing, no friends to help you sort of thing. Kind of similar to his situation in a way. I still sort of regret telling him about it, but I wanted to show him that he's not alone, and he can get through this.

So here I am. Holding my phone with one hand, the other wrapped around Zak. He's fallen asleep on my arm, and he's never looked so peaceful. We haven't moved from my bedroom this whole time.

It's now Thursday morning, my phone showing me that it's barely 6:30. I've never slept very long, unlike Zak who's been asleep since 8pm. I'm sure I remember him saying that he never slept much, guess he was just tired.

I open Twitter and scroll through. The very first post is from Zelk. My eyes widen in horror as I read the post.

You won't BELIEVE it. Zak Carder from the baseball team has a shocking story! Ever wondered why he's always holding his sleeves over his wrists while walking around school? Well, I have your answer!

The post directly below it explains exactly what Zak had told me last night. The whole story was there, in black and white for everyone to see. Dread overcame me. The whole school is gonna know now. If I didn't hang around Zak this never would've happened.

This is all my fault.


-Zak's POV-

I wake up in Darryl's bed at about 7. I roll over, and strangely he's not there. He told me that he doesn't sleep much, he's probably just getting breakfast or something. I turn on my phone and it's immediately flooded with messages. My eyes are heavy as I squint at my phone, trying to read the messages

~ 4 unread messages ~

Z have you seen what Zelk posted on Twitter? This isn't true right?!
6:38 am

Zak what's going on? What's Zelkam talking about?
6:42 am

Zak is this true?!?!
6:46 am

Zak is everything ok? You've seen what Zelk's posted right?!
6:48 am

My brain can't register what's going on, I've just woken up. I decide to listen to Dave and open Twitter. My eyes linger on a post from Zelk at the top. As I read it, my eyes widen in horror. The posts underneath were all tagging me, asking all sorts of questions and yelling in horror. Everything Zelk has written was true, almost identical to how I told Darryl last night.

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