11 | Threatened

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.   *.   ~. *Is a secret worth a crime?*  .  ~. *


-Darryl's POV-

My head throbs uncontrollably as I take in the room around me. The world is a swirl of colours in my dizziness, but I can make out the traditional cream and grey walls of  a Northbrookes dorm room. Footsteps echo faintly down the hallway.

What do I do, what do I do?!

My wrists are tied together with what looks like rope. I tug against the restraint and immediately regret it as the rope burns against my skin. Friction burns, that's why they've used rope. Blood seeps from a few opened cuts on my wrists into a puddle on the couch I'm sat on.

My legs aren't tied, but I couldn't go anywhere, the door is obviously locked. Removing the ropes seems to be my only choice. I pull against them once more, too weak to snap them in my barely conscious state. The only damage done is even more to my forearms.

I try to scream, finding I'm unable to due to the tight fabric band wrapped around my mouth. I tug once more against the restraints, letting out a muffled scream.

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you, you're only going to make this worse."

The same figure from before makes their way into the main room, sitting opposite me on the floor. Clever to sit behind the coffee table, there's nothing on it to knock over and I can't reach him.

"Before you think about doing anything stupid, let me explain" they say. Swiftly, they switch on the lights, giving me a better picture of what they look like. I can make out they have brown hair, and are dressed in all black.

"As bad as this looks, I'm not going to hurt you" they explain, returning to their space on the carpet opposite me. They lean over the table, glaring at me with light brown eyes.

"You're a lot smarter, and more peaceful than Zak is" he smiles a grim smile, it's definitely a boy. "I'm sure you're wise enough the make the right decision." With a strong amount of force, he kicks the coffee table, pushing it into the corner of the room. I definitely couldn't take him on in a fight, it'd only do more damage to me.

"I'm going to keep this part quick." He walks towards me, kneeling on the carpet barely a foot away from me. He leans in and undoes the fabric around my mouth. "So here, tell me-"

"THIS IS A CRIME!" I scream, cutting him off immediately. "You've kidnapped me! I can report you to the principal! Or even better, the police! What are you do-"

"Alright, alright, don't make me regret this" he says nonchalantly, rolling his eyes. "I knew that's the first thing you'd say. Except, you won't. You see-"

"What do you mean I won't?! Of course I will!"

"Shut your mouth and listen to me! God I was wrong, you are as bad as Zak" he growls. I can make out gritted teeth through my blurry haze, I still don't have my glasses so seeing anything properly is near impossible. This person sure does talk about Zak a lot.

"I'm giving you a choice here Darryl. Listen." He edges closer. "Either you stay here, talk to me and swear this'll stay between us, or you can leave. I'll let you, but you'll regret it."

I stare at him in confusion. "Why would I pick option one?"

"I thought you'd ask that." The figure leans in, matching our eye level barely an inch from my face. "Because Darryl."

"Because I know Zak's little secret."


I stare back at him, eyes wide in shock as he moves away, resuming his sitting position on the carpet. How does he know?! The way Zak acted when I found out, I thought nobody had ever known before.

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