9 | Different

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Zak finds himself in a bad situation, and is forced to call on someone for help...


Some Easter eggs:
Easter egg #1 : +1 respect to anyone who gets the reference in this chapter, see if you can spot it.
Easter egg #2 : I imagine most of you can, but can you guess the song Zak and Darryl sing at the end?
Enjoy. Love ya <3   ~ Owl


-Zak's POV-

My frail body protested as I rolled out of bed. The alarm on the table beside me flashed 8 am once more before playing some random radio station as my wake up call. The tune playing was upbeat and happy, contrasting my mood. Monday morning. I don't hate school for the same old typical 'too many tests' sort of thing. Sure most of my teachers hate me, but that's not the greatest issue. It's the constant eyes on me.

I have always had some popularity due to the baseball team, and sometimes I do enjoy the attention. But generally, it's just an overhanging pressure to have to hold down my hoodie sleeves walking around most of the day.

The thought saddens me as I'm reminded of the constant burden those scars give me, but makes me smile slightly also. Baseball practice today. Darryl's coming with me this time, so that should be fun.

My hoodie and Darryl's trousers he lent me are hanging over a chair in the corner still. I cram the trousers into my bag, throwing the hoodie on. The sleeves of my hoodie are even more stretched than they were before.

The strong scent of alcohol fills my lungs as I take in the pulls and marks on my hoodie. Can't wear that to school, I'd get sent straight back out of the first class I walk into.

If I even made it that far.

Sadly my jeans are in the same condition, so I throw back on the ones Darryl left me. The cheerful song on the radio ends as it switches to a much sadder one. You'd think it a sign as I walk over to my closet, opening the door to discover a singular black t-shirt hanging in there. No hoodies, no long sleeves.


I freeze at the sight, my vision blurring as I'm hit with one of the largest panic attacks I've faced in a long time. I have no long sleeves. I can't hide them. They'll see, they'll all see. I curl up into a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth as I mumble to myself.

"What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?!"

I grab my phone, start typing a message to Vin and press send. An error message appears on my screen.


I forgot that for a second. Tears build up in my eyes, flooding in a steady stream down my cheeks. I can't even ask my best friend for help.

'Ex-Best friend' I correct in my head.

Realisation hits me. How would I even explain why i need it to him? He doesn't know yet, only Zelk and Darryl do.


       Hry do u by aby chamce habe a spwre
                            hoidie i ciuld brrow today?
                                                           8:06 am

It was a stupid thought, but I didn't really have any other options.

I do. Why?
8:06 am

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