17 | Redemption

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. * ~ Second chances must be earned.. * ~


-Zak's POV-

3:12 am

3:12 am

Zak I know you're not asleep your phone is on answer me
3:13 am

3:14 am

Please Zak I'm sorry I swear
3:14 am

I need to talk to you
3:14 am

It's important
3:14 am

Just please. I know it's been rough recently. Let me make it up to you.
3:14 am

Meet me at our spot in 15 minutes.
3:15 am

I'll wait for you.
3:15 am

I sat watching Vincent's messages appear over and over on my lock screen. Honestly I'm surprised I haven't blocked his number yet after what he did to me on Tuesday. From what Darryl told me, Vincent just ran out after I collapsed and didn't return before Darryl stepped in.

He's been angry at me since our fight on Saturday, and other than our bathroom meeting, I've not spoken to him since.

I contemplate his offer as more and more messages come through. Darryl moves in his sleep, which scares me. I thought he'd been woken up by the messages coming through. Surprisingly he hasn't, and instead wraps an arm around me as he drifts off.

Damn it.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like him hugging me, but this wasn't the time. Deciding I might wake him up if I stay in here, I slowly sit up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. I grab the pillow I was laying on and wrap his arm around it. He pulls it towards him, leaving me free to leave.

There's no lights on in the rest of the apartment due to it being 3 am, so it's hard to see where I'm going. I stick my arms out in front of me and feel my way to the couch, hitting my knee into the coffee table on the way.

Zak please.
3:17 am

I know you probably hate me, but I swear I'll make this worth your time.
3:17 am

It's important
3:18 am

If you don't want to be friends, then fine. But please, just come see me.
3:18 am

Vincent has been nothing but awful to me this week. We've been avoiding each other around school...

No Zak, you've been avoiding him.

Although I'm mad at him, I know I miss him. He is kind of my best friend, and I miss the time we spend together. I flashback to the first morning of this new school year, which was barely a week and a half ago.

I remember us laughing about me being late and eating his gummy worms that we bet over it. I remember us laughing in our hangout, playing video games at his...

My eyes drift to my bag at my feet and linger on the goofy face. The battered tag is still there, which reads 'Vin' in purple writing. I remember when he drew that face, and I decided to put it on my bag.

'As a symbol of our friendship' I'd said.

Fuck it, I'm going to meet him.

I know I'll be back before Darryl wakes, so I don't bother writing a note. My shoes are by the door, and I throw them on along with my leather jacket, which is still slightly battered from the party.

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