12 | Broken

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Zak's secret is out at last, and someone's in for a shock...


-Zak's POV-

~ 1 unread message ~

Zak, mind if I talk to you?
8:22 am

  Not at all. Didn't think you'd want to after
                                    Saturday. What's up?
                                                           8:23 am

I meant in person.
8:23 am

                                                           8:24 am

Can I meet you in the third floor bathrooms at lunch?
8:25 am

Sure Vincent. See u then   
                                                           8:25 am

See you Zak.
8:26 am

The bus ride is always lonelier now that Vincent walks to school. I just thought he's probably still trying to avoid me like he did yesterday, but I saw him head out towards the dorms yesterday instead of the main exit we used to go out.

Maybe he goes through that much to avoid me.

It hurts to be shut out so quickly. Sure Vin and I have fought before, just like every best friends have, but we fight so much more often than others do. Maybe we're not meant to be best friends.

Or even friends at all.

I ponder this as I watch the world go by through the dented bus window. Headphones in, still playing the same song Darryl and I were singing to on Sunday.

Darryl. Shame he doesn't get the bus, or I could've sat with him and not looked so lonely. I couldn't miss the strange looks people gave me seeing I was sat all alone. Sure, Darryl sat alone at lunch for almost three years straight before I came along, but he wasn't ever popular.

This is the popular kid, sat all by themselves, moping quietly and avoiding conversation. Of course people had offered to sit with me, but I'd declined every one of them. They see me through my social status, and not through the real me.

That's what I love about Darryl.

He never once has looked at me different. He treats everyone the same. He's kind to everyone he meets, even Zelk.

Even me.

I don't deserve him.

Sometimes I feel like a burden to him. It's not like he's sacrificing his friends for me, I've never seen him really talk to anyone else, it's just I bring him so many problems. Nobody deserves to deal with my shit other than me, which is why I never say anything, why nobody else will ever know.

Except him. He does know, and that's worse.

What if he stays around me because he knows? Because I'm weak and stupid and don't take care of myself, so he feels he has to. What if he's just too kind to turn me away?

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