25 | Guilty

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^A section of the scene (you'll know which) is set at night. The atmosphere is like this when the scene is set.


. *. ~. *. ~. *. ~. *. ~. Guilt is always hungry, don't let it consume you... . *. ~. *. ~. *. ~. *. ~.


-Zak's POV-

The white room reminds me of a laboratory. Like a testing chamber, where'd you'd get weird concoctions to drink as people in lab coats observe you go crazy. They'd note down stuff on those little whiteboards of theirs, editing their designs to make an even worse creation tomorrow.

Except there's nobody else here.

It's just me.

The perfectly white walls, ceiling and floor around me forming the perfectly square room I'm sat in the middle of. I run a hand along the surfaces, all perfectly smooth. Knocking against each one proves they're all solid too, at least a couple inches thick.

"Hello?" I ask to the room in confusion. No answer, but I really wasn't expecting one.

As I look around for an exit, I can't help but notice a little hatch on the ceiling, directly above me. It blends in perfectly with its' pure white surroundings, but the handle sticks out a little too much for it to merely be another part of the wall.

The room is also completely empty. It's just me, sat in the same bloodstained clothes I was wearing when Zelk attacked.

Zelk. I'd almost forgotten what happened.

Is he the reason why I'm here?

He must be...

Panic sets in as I realise there's nothing to use to reach the hatch. There's no doors or windows around, just the stupid hatch on the ceiling.

I've never felt so attacked by my height.

Saying that, you'd have to be at least 10 feet tall to reach the hatch, so being only 5'8 isn't exactly the problem here.

What is the problem is that I'm stuck in here.

I get up bang against the walls again, hoping to alert someone that I'm stuck. I'm not sure how that would help, as the people or person outside is probably the reason I'm here in the first place. It's the only option I have.

Suddenly, I hear a creaking noise.

The hatch opened.

I stare up, hoping to at least catch a glance of whoever opened it or what's outside. I see neither, just a pure white pipe system, blending in with the surroundings. The sound of running water fills the room, travelling presumably through the pipes around me.

A liquid finally reaches the hatch, dripping slowly into the room and forming a little puddle in the centre. The substance looks thicker than water.

The speed the liquid flows at increases, rapidly creating a waterfall as it pours into the room. The room fills quickly, submerging my blue trainers completely in a few seconds.

Other than the consistency, there's one more noticeable detail about the substance. It's red, a deep crimson colour.

Almost like...


So much blood, covering the floor in a lake of red. I scream, and nobody comes. The blood surges into the once white room, staining it red.

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