Tokoyamis Face

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jirou: so you guys wanna hear something interesting?

tsu: I mean sure

uraraka: is it a theory about a couple

jirou: sorry ura no it's not, actually, it's about tokoyami

tsu: what about him

jirou: I think he has a human head!

uraraka: why would he hide it though

tsu: *a little to quickly to seem honest* YEA! why would he hide his face haha...

jirou: *looks at tsu suspiciously* yea whatever I'm gonna find out, but the reason I think that is because he takes almost as long as momo does in the bathroom.... she spends most of her time doing make-up though so why would he need that long if he didn't do make-up, his dorm room door is also always locked at night, there are rules against that and unless someone had a serious issue with something they wouldn't allow exceptions. Toko recently got dark shadow under control so that's not the problem...

tsu: *panicky*

uraraka: i guess you're right...

jirou: i know I'm right! I'm gonna see his face.

uraraka what do you think it looks like??

jirou: no clue

~~~~~~time skip brought to you by my hurt wrist~~~~~~

Toko: I'm going to bed... night guys

shinsou: night

Baku: see you tomorrow extra

todo: goodnight

jirou: night dude...

tokoyami: *goes upstairs to his room and shuts and "locks" door knowing full well that jirou broke the lock on his door cause she can be an asshole sometimes...*

~~~~an hour later~~~~

jirou: ima turn in see ya

Baku, todo, and shinsou: *wave goodnight to her*

jirou: *goes upstairs and opens the door not really expecting to see his human face*

jirou: what...

Toko: oh there you are I was getting bored waiting *he has his human head*

jirou: you knew!!!??? 

Toko: well yeah, you kept looking at me suspiciously, the lock was too loose, there were a ton of clues man

jirou: does Shoji know?? wait... tsu knew!!

Toko: yea that girl is like my sister soooo

jirou: okay I get that I'm supposed to e angry at you right now but can I say your human face is a strange mixture of cute, pretty, and hot 

Toko: uhm.... thanks I guess...

jirou: oooohhhh, tell the squad!!!

Toko: no.

jirou: pleeeaaasseeee

Toko: jirou no means no.

jirou: tokooo please please, please

Toko: god fine.... in the morning now go to your room, please...

jirou: see ya in the morning man, *closes the door behind her*


emosquad: *sitting in the common room*

jirou: so Toko has something to show us guys!

Toko: you're actually making me go through with this??

jirou: yep!!

Toko: goddammit... fine okay *he closes his eyes and his beak shortens, the feathers seem to pull back and become more hair-like, the colors shift till it matches the skin on the rest of his body* there *his eyes are closed*

jirou: show them your eyes dude

Toko: no...

jirou: do it or ill open them for you... *she smiled as she said it*

Toko: *opens his eyes which are now more of a dark orange*

Baku: who taught you how to do eyeliner

todo: you're eyes are pretty.

shinsou: where did you buy your piercings...

Toko: *a little surprised no one is judging him* uhm one, I taught myself bakugo, two thank you todoroki, three I got them at hot topic obviously shinsou.

shinsou: oh yes of course.

jirou: the next person that gets to see is Shoji, maybe not today though. you look kinda overwhelmed man.

Toko: yeaaaa....


quick and shitty but eh... I'm writing with a hurt wrist I decided not to go on hiatus after all, I'll get over it. this is what I see Toko looking like but with a ton of piercings in his ears and one on his lip 

 this is what I see Toko looking like but with a ton of piercings in his ears and one on his lip 

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