emosquad mornings

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jirou: 15 minute shower, puts binder on, gets dressed, brushes teeth, straightens hair (i have a headcanon that its curly), paints on her triangles, drinks half a cup of coffee, goes to class

breakfast: waffles with fruit and no syrup

todo: 5 minute shower, puts pants on, brushes teeth, puts aloe on burn (it still hurts in me and my friends roleplays), drinks a cup of tea, puts shirts on, runs a hand through his hair, goes to class

breakfast: extra cheesy eggs

baku: takes shower at night cause his hairs actually kinda long and would be flat if he didnt do it (he hates getting it cut so he spikes it up yay! another headcanon), gets dressed, yells at germs on his teeth while brushing them, gels his poof, drinks a cup of black coffee, puts on a little bit of eyeliner, goes to class

breakfast: salad (weird i know)

toko: showers at night because he doesnt want to have to clean his feathers right after he wakes up, gets dressed, brushes teeth, yells at dark shadow, switches to human head and puts eyeliner on (i pretty much have a headcanon for each one sorry yall), drinks really really weet coffee to make up for dark shadow keeping him up, styles his feathers, goes to class

breakfast: food? whats that? i know only vegetables?

shinsou: 25 pull ups, takes 45 minute shower while singing cause hes an ass, shakes hair out like a dog, puts invisaline in (how else would he get his teeth so fucking straight), gets dressed, drinks coffee with a little bit of vanilla creamer, puts in earbuds and blasts Panic! at the disco, goes to school

breakfast: probably cereal and an apple cause aizawas strict on his son.

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