Chapter Three | Dinner's Ready

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Walking out to my car I feel the cold wind nipping at me through my clothing causing little shivers to run through.

The early November wind picked up and it didn't help that my hair was still wet from showering after soccer.

Getting in the car I check my phone, 4:45pm, turning it on I blast the radio and heat before pulling out.

Liv let me know at lunch that she would be home later this evening because she was hanging out with Ashley.

She seemed hesitant but I told her I would be fine and that she should go enjoy herself.

She's always so concerned, and I don't want her to sacrifice her freedom just for me.

Ashely was good at getting Liv to go out and keeping her away from the house when I would ask.

They've been best friend since they could walk.
Our mothers were friends since high school and had arranged play dates every day for those two, when they were toddlers.

I love Ashley just the same as Liv, she's been more like a sister and family to us than anything else.

The drive home seems to go by too quickly as I pull into our driveway.

My dad's Mercedes is already there.

Parking the car I take a few shaky breathes, he's home earlier than I had hoped.

I open the front door and take a deep breath, maybe he won't see me and I can just go straight to my room.

I walk in and there's no sign of him in the living room or kitchen, I look down the hall and see his study door open and the glow of a light.

Good, he's working in there.

Hurriedly I run up the stairs to my room closing the door behind me.

I change out of my clothes into sweat pants and a t-shirt.

I feel the exhaustion of the day, coupled with soccer taking over.

Laying down in my bed my eyes start to fall and the room around me goes black.

I wake with a start as I hear heavy foot steps in the hallway.
Turning over I check the time 7:06pm.
Wow I must have been really tired to sleep for two hours.

I stretch my sore limbs, wincing as my side stretches out.

My stomach lets out a low grumble, alerting me to the fact I haven't eaten since lunch.

I walk over to my bedroom door and open it slightly, peeking down the hall.

I hate how much fear I have for the man that looms over me in this house.

Once I'm certain the coast is clear, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

Quickly deciding what to make for dinner I get to work gathering the necessary ingredients from the cupboards and fridge.

Distracted and pulled into my task I don't hear as my dad enters the kitchen.

Starling me I jump almost dropping the pan I had just pulled out from the bottom cupboard.

My dad is standing just inside the door way to the kitchen.

"Why you so jumpy, Adam?" He sneers.

"No reason, you just startled me, that's all."

I turn back to the counter, determined to distract myself with the task at hand.

"What are you making for dinner?" His voice is closer and I know he's only a step away from me.

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