Chapter Twenty- Six | Charades and Hot Chocolate

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We're two and a half weeks away from our escape.
Everything has been going as planned the last couple of months. We've managed to pull together enough to get a decent place and put down for first and last months rent. Enough money to buy the furniture we need and necessities too.

Liv and I have slowly started bringing things over to Angela's to make it easier to leave and so my dad won't notice us taking most of our stuff at once.

Liv's been spending more time sleeping over at Ashley's to get in as much time as she can with her before we leave. I try to go home most nights as to not raise suspicion. I've had a few runs in with my dad, one in particular was bad. I chose to hide it from everyone, the best I could.
I know they noticed the bruise on my jawline but the only one I gave an answer to about it was Angela, since she ended up seeing what lay under my cotton shield.
Angela had noticed the new marks and bruises on the rest of me one night while we were together and asked me about them.

It was the night I decided to finally fight back.

"I don't want you to leave. Can you not stay the night tonight?" Her eyes look up at me, pleading.

"I wish I could but Liv is staying at Ashley's and one of us should be there." She nods her head understanding and I pull her in closer to me. My arms going around her small frame. I lay a kiss on her forehead.

"Ok, I should get going. It's well after 9. I'll see you tomorrow at school."I hold her for a moment longer and get up to leave.

I head downstairs and James is sitting in the living room.

"Hey. You heading out?" He asks me.

"Ya I gotta head home." I mumble.

"Ok, stay safe. I'll see you tomorrow." Him and I both know the meaning behind 'stay safe'.

"That's the plan." I smile at him and head out the front door towards my car.

Pulling into my driveway I see lights on inside the house.Turning the off the engine I hesitate for a moment my hand over the handle to open the door.
I don't know why but I have a bad feeling gathering in my gut.

I head inside and the lights in the living room are on. I walk towards it, stepping into the room, I see it empty. No sign of him in his usually arm chair.
Turning around to leave I stop startled as my heart leaps in my chest. He's standing directly in front of me and our noses could touch he's so close.

"Oh geez." I say grabbing my chest. "You scared me."

"Home late." He says and I can tell that he's drunk, his eyes glazed and the smell of scotch wafts from his breath.

"Umm ya sorry." I try to step around him and he moves blocking me.

"Where's your sister?"

"She's staying at Ashley's."

I'm starting to feel nervous and that same scared feeling is crawling up my spine.

"So it's just you and me?" He smirks.

I nod. "I'm going to go to my room." I try stepping around him again.

"You don't want to spend some time with me?" He asks, once again moving in front of me.

"W-What did you have in mind." My stutter surfacing, showing him my fear. The self loathing taking place as I hate how scared he makes me feel.

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