Chapter Ten | Our Lives

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Both guys left to the washroom as I slurp up the rest of my milkshake. I look around the diner at all the people, most are people I know from school or town. A few I don't recognize but that's not surprising this is a popular diner bringing in guests from other towns.

When Adam and James return from the bathroom they're both quiet as they slide into the booth.
James looks determined while Adam's face looks almost confused and solemn at the same time.

"Everything ok?" I ask as I look between the two of them.

James nods.

"Let's pay our bill and get out of here." I look at my brother as he says this and know something is up. His eyes seem to have a different glow to them.

We end up settling our bill and saying good bye to Ellen and Jack as well as a few other people on our way out.

Once we're outside we all walk over to Adam's car.
The silence is absolutely deafening. I stop and turn to face them, bringing them both to an adroit stop before we reach the car.

"What's going on?" They stare at me like deers caught in headlights. "Ok. You're both acting super weird right now."

"We should go somewhere to talk." James says.

"Talk about what?" I look over Adam who seems to have taken a monks vow as he stays silent.

"Ok, so where to?" asks James turning to Adam. As if I hadn't even spoken just now.

"I guess we can go to our place." Adam finally speaks up.

I look at him, giving a look like 'what the hell are you doing'?
Why exactly were we inviting James back to our place. My fathers always been fine with us having guest over and never makes a scene about it. But after the way he's been the last two days I don't know if it's a good idea. Unless he wants someone there to make sure my dads cooled off?

"Ok, if you're sure?" James says cautiously.

Adam nods. "We'll meet you there."

James turns to the left and heads over to his car as Adam goes past me towards his.

"Adam, what's going on?" He doesn't stop walking and I pick up my pace to catch up to him.
He's not usually avoidant of me. Always ensuring I know what's going on.

We reach the car and he climbs in, I do the same and turn to him in my seat.

"Why are you not answering me?"

"He saw Liv."

"Saw what?"

He turns to look at me, our eyes meet.
Realization dawns on me.


"In the washroom. He started asking about what's going on. Mentioned he saw a bruise on you."
I look away from him when he says this.
"Why didn't you tell me he bruised you?"

"It's no big deal. It's not half as bad as what you have."

"That's not the point, Liv."
Looking down as he says this, I know he's right but I felt foolish telling him about one bruise when he was littered with them.

He turns the car on when he realizes I'm not going to say anything else and pulls out of the diner.

The drive is pretty quiet other than the song playing on the radio.

I turn in my seat to look at Adam.
"So, why does he want to talk to us about what he saw? How is it his business?"

"It might be good to talk to him. I'll let him tell you or us why when we get home."

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