Chapter Eighteen | Since We're Friends

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As I pull into the driveway I notice that my dads car isn't there yet. Which is odd considering it's almost 9pm.

"Hello?" I yell as I walk in. I can hear Liv's hurried foot steps from upstairs.

"Hi!" She beams as she's running down the stairs.
"How was your night with Angela? Did you end up going to the barn? What did you guys do? I need details!" Her eyes are big and full of animation making me laugh.

"Woah, ok. Slow down there." I can't hide the smile that split my face.

She's has an eggar look on her face and I can almost see the excitement vibrating through her body.

"Where's dad?" I ask her changing the subject for a moment.

"Oh he went to go pick up some Chinese food for dinner. He seems to be in a good mood." She shrugs.

I nod. "I'm going to go change before he gets back."

"Wait, but I thought..." She starts.

"I will." I yell over my shoulder cutting her off as I head up to my room.

I pull out sweat pants and a T-shirt to change into. Catching a glimpse of my shirtless self in the mirror, I stop stepping closer to examine my reflection. Tracing the scars on my stomach and chest with my fingers and turning around to see my back. There's barely a spot on there without a visible mark, scars cris cross in different directions. Letting out a sigh I pull my T-shirt over my head and look back at the mirror before turning away.

What would Angela say if she ever saw them? Would she ask where they came from? Would she be repulsed by the way they looked and felt?
Worse would she reject me for being a coward and taking beating after beating from my father?
I hear the front door downstairs and shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts before heading down.

The night goes well. We have Chinese food and some good conversation. My dad is in a happy mood which makes the evening better.
I finally give Liv the answers she's looking for, about my evening with Angela.
We end up watching some TV with our dad for a bit before I decide to head upstairs and say my good nights.

I drop down on my bed and let me mind wander.
Why couldn't every day be like today? A normal family hanging out, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
Shaking my head of the fantasy I go over to my desk settling down to finish my homework before calling it a night.


After I dropped Liv off at her place I drive around for a while stopping at the school parking lot to just kill sometime before heading home.

My stomach starts rumbling and I take note that I should probably get some food, knowing there won't be any at home. My money is slowly running low and I don't have another shift at work for a couple of days, but I know I can make what I have work till then.

I decide to head to the diner and grab some food to go.
It's well after 9pm when I get there.
Walking in I'm greeted by Ellen and give her my order. We chit chat for a few minutes before she heads to the kitchen to give Jack the order.
I look around the diner and notice Angela sitting in one of the booths with a milkshake and her nose in a book.

I walk over to her. "Hi." I say as I get to her table and she looks up at me confused.

"Umm hi?" She says it like it's a question and I realize that I'd never actually spoken to Angela before. She must think I'm a complete weirdo right now.

I clear my throat, ridding myself of the nerves that seem to have come up through my embarrassment. "I'm James, Adam's friend." I introduce myself as if this explains why I'm talking to her.

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