Chapter Sixteen | For Your Own Good

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I wake up to her light breathing, my arm has fallen asleep under her head but I don't dare move.
Not wanting to ruin this moment where she looks so peaceful.
I turn my face towards her, placing my cheek on her hair and close my eyes breathing in her scent, letting it soothe me, a smile spreading across my face.

The sun feels warm on my legs, coming in through the barn opening, it's almost half way up our bodies keeping us warm under its light.

After Olive got a text from Adam saying he was going to Josh's and to avoid going home we laid down looking up at the stars and talking.
I pulled the extra blankets out from the corner and used them to cover us. Shielding is from the cool autumn air.

I could still taste her lips on mine, as the memory from the night before came back to me. Our kiss, soft and lingering before turning into something more.
Turning into something lustful, full of need and desire.

I feel her stir next to me and I break away from my thoughts and look at her as she turns over her eyes meeting mine.

"Good morning." The dulcet tone of her voice in the morning brought a flutter to my stomach.

"Good morning." I lean forward kissing her gently, she moves and brings herself forward returning the kiss with unabating enthusiasm. It's a good moment before we pull away from each other, I feel her body quiver in response.

"It's such a beautiful view in the daylight." She says turning to look out across the field to the forest.

"Yes, it's one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen." I say looking down at her as she turns to look at me, realizing I'm not talking about the scenery.
I see colour fill her cheeks and she turns back quickly.

Clearing her throat. "What time is it?" She asks.

I reach over to check my phone.
"It's a quarter after ten."

She nods her head but doesn't say anything.
I pull her body into mine, closer.
Leaning her head back into my shoulder she looks up at me. "I wish we could stay here forever. Just live inside this bubble. Floating above the world. With no worries."

I couldn't agree with her more but I don't say anything. We lay there for a while longer in silence just enjoying each other's company.
Her phone starts buzzing. I reach over to grab it giving it to her. I had already caught a glimpse of the name on the screen.

Her father.

She silences the phone and a few moments later it's Adam messaging her.

Adam- Morning. You awake? Where did you stay? Ashley's?

She readjusts to message, laying on my chest as I play with her hair combing my fingers lightly through.

Liv- Good morning. No, I didn't stay at Ashley's.

Her phone starts buzzing moments after she hits send. Adam's name flashing across the screen.

I can barely hear him so I only catch Liv's end.
"Morning... I stayed in a barn, with James... No...Yes... Are you ok?.. I'm sorry... I know...Ok, what time?.. Ok... Yes... Ok, Adam I promise...Yes, I said I won't... I love you too... bye."

"Everything ok? Is he ok?" I ask her. I can feel the tension in her body flowing through to mine.

"Yes, he's ok. He'll be home in half hour. Told me not to go home before then but to wait for him to message me that it's ok."

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