Chapter Twelve | Barn

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I'm at my locker with Ashley when James walks up to us.

"Umm I just remembered I have to get to class early." Ashely says as she waves and walks away quickly.
I give her a look that she ignores, throwing me a smile.

"Hi Liv."

I turn to face James. "Hi." I give him a smile that quickly fades as I see a faint bruise on his cheek. "What happened?" I ask him.

He gives me a sad smile. "I think you know."

A knot begins forming in my stomach as the evening before starts replaying. The things he found out. The things he shared. It's a secret we all share.

"So I was hoping we could talk." James' voice brings me back to him.

I nod. "Of course. What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you were still up for hanging out tonight?"

My cheeks begin to heat and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face making him smile in return.

"Yes, I'd still like that." The knot previously there has dissipated.

"Ok perfect. I'll pick you up around eight."

"Sounds good."

"Have a good day." He says before turning and walking back in the direction he came from. I know I'm wearing the goofiest smile as I watch him walking.
But as I look closer I can see he's walking slower than normal and is that a limp?
The smile slowly slipping from my face.
The warning bell goes off. Closing my locker I give one last glance in the direction James went before heading towards my class.

School went by quickly and I can't help but feel super excited for tonight. I've had a crush on James since he moved to town. I mean every girl has. I got to know him a little bit from a distance since him and Adam played sports together. Occasionally when the team hung our or had a party Adam would invite Ashley and I.

"What are you all smiles about." Adam asks glancing over at me on the drive home.

"I have a date tonight." I say trying to keep the smile from my face.

"Oh really? With who?" I see Adam turn to look at me and my attempt at hiding my smiles fails.


Adam's laugh rings through the car. "Well that's interesting. I mean I always figured you had a crush on him." Adam smiles at me. "I'm happy he finally asked you out. He's a good guy and well he understands us more than anyone else, I guess."

I nod as realization sets in. Now not only would I have to worry about Adam but James too. I hope my heart can handle that. The image of him walking away from my locker today is etched to the back of eye lids.

Adam quickly picks up on my change in emotion.

"You know you don't have to worry about us. James is a tough guy." He reads my thoughts so easily.

I nod my head, not trusting my words at the moment.

I FaceTime Ashley when I get home to catch up on the day. It seems that I see her less and less at school with all the extra curriculares she's in. She helps me pick out an outfit for tonight.
Grey skinny jeans, black T-shirt and a denim jacket with a zip up since the evenings have been getting cooler. Nothing super fancy but completely me and as Ashley pointed out, cute.

"Liv, James is here." I hear Adam call up the stairs.

I say a quick good bye to Ashley as I shut my laptop. I give myself a once over in the mirror and silently ask the butterflies in my stomach to calm down.

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