Chapter Seventeen | Spoiled Brat

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The rest of the weekend dragged by in a blur.
Liv had come home on Sunday half hour after I had gotten out of the shower.
She had asked if everything was ok and I nodded reassuring her.
I knew she felt something had happened but she didn't push and for that I was relieved.

My dad had taken a nap, waking up around dinner time. He ordered pizza and of course was back to acting like a normal father.
I ate my pizza in silence and excused myself to my room when we were done.

Monday morning I was excited to get out of the house and head to school.
I was looking forward to seeing Angela.
After my talk with Josh I realized I wanted to get to know her better.
She had been on my mind most of Sunday night as I sat on my bed trying to focus on reading.

I walk into the school with Liv, we say goodbye and head our separate ways. Making a detour on the way to my locker, going straight to Angela's locker. As I turn the corner I can see her rummaging around putting books in and taking some out.

"Hi." I say as I lean up against the locker beside hers.

Turning her head she looks up at me and then back to her locker shoving one last book into her bag before closing it and turning to walk away.
I watch as she's heading down the hall away from me feeling dumbfounded by what just happened, but not surprised.
I jog up to her and walk beside her in stride.

"What do you want Adam?" She doesn't even look at me when she says it.

"I'm having a weird feeling of dejavú."  I laugh.

She turns her head and looks at me. "What?" She asked looking confused.

"I just mean because this is basically what happened on Saturday, before you agreed to hang out with me."

She stops walking and so do I stepping in front of her so I can look at her properly.

"Yes and Saturday was a one time 'hang out'. If I remember correctly." She uses air quotations when she says hang out.

"Does it have to be a one time thing?" I ask her and she raises her eyebrow at me. "I mean I don't want it to be." I add.

Looking down at her feet her voice comes out as a low whisper. "Why do you even want to hang out with me." She looks back up her eyes meeting mine. "You're one of the most popular guys at school, you can literally hang out with anyone you want. Any girl or guy."

She comes across as meek and not the confident girl I saw fire in before.

"Well that might be true." I blush. "Yet, here I am wanting to be your friend and get to know you. Can we just try or can you just try?"

She's studying my face with her eyes narrowed.

"Ok, fine. I don't know what your angle is here but I'm getting the feeling if I don't agree you won't leave me alone." She huffs.

There's the fire.

I laugh at what she said and know she's probably right. "Ok, so how about today after school?"

She looks at me confused before nodding. "I'll meet you at my locker, since you already know where it is." Smiling she moves around me and walks away. Leaving me standing watching her disappear into the sea of students.

We empty out of our class for lunch and I head to my locker.
I find both Josh and James there talking.

"Hi guys." I say as I turn my combo on the locker opening it and throwing my bag in.

They reply in unison with a low 'hi' and I turn to look at them.
They both have a look on their face like they want to ask me something but feel uncomfortable.

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