mitsuba sousuke - please don't leave me!

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"Uh, Kou-kun? Where-?"

"Don't question it, just follow me!" 

You had just been enjoying the newest volume of your favorite manga series when Kou barged into your club room, grabbing your wrist and dragging you off to god-knows-where. 

You just kind of went along with it; your day had been pretty crappy, so you were hoping that whatever he was going to show you was something worth it. 

Ah, well, then again, your day was always crappy, so it wasn't out of the ordinary or anything. 

You couldn't remember the last time you had actually a decent day, especially when one of your best friends was gone. 

Not that anybody cared. 

The burning in your lungs pulled you from your thoughts. 

"Kou-kun, I can't really, ugh..." Your legs hurt and your breaths were short as the two of you were running up the stairs. 

"We're almost there, (Y/N)-chan! Don't give up yet!" The smile he gave you as he looked back at you did nothing to stop the deadpan on your face. 

"Seriously...jeez..." you mumbled as the two of you ran. 

Kou was your childhood friend since both of your family's were exorcists, the two of you grew up doing everything together, although it was at time's like this you questioned your friendship. 

By the time the two of you had made it all the way up to the balcony, you were sweating heavily and panting like some sort of tired out dog. 

Your hands were on your knees as soon as he let go of your wrist, trying to catch your breath. 

"Kou? Why the hell did you just make me run some sort of marathon to the balcony? Are you trying to get me to lose weight or something? Jeez..." You had finally caught your breath and looked up at Kou, although he was suddenly gone. 

"hUH? Kou!?" You looked around trying to look for him, but a flash of pink caught your eye. 

Your eyes focused on the pink, and you saw a person, with their back to you, but you would recognize that hair anywhere. 

"Mitsuba...?" You managed to whisper out, your eyes watering up. 

He laughed, turning around and using the camera in his hands to snap a picture of you. 

"Wow, you're crying, (Y/N)? Are you not happy to see me?" He lowered his camera, giving you a wide smile. 

You walked the short distance towards him, not believing your eyes. 

"Is it really...?" You reached your hand out to touch his cheek, and your eyes widened when your hand made contact with him, although you could see some transparency, so you knew he was an apparition. 

His hand went up to his cheek touching yours with it and tilting his head to the side. 

"Yeah..." Barely letting him finish, you jumped at him, wrapping your arms around him and burying your head in his chest, letting out sobs. 

"You have no idea how much I missed you!" You cried out, shaking. You heard him laugh, and wrap his hands around your frame. 

After a minute, he pushed you back, wiping the tears from your cheeks.

Not even thinking before you did it, you grabbed his collar and pulled him toward you, closing your eyes and letting his lips collide with yours.

You heard him let out a surprised squeak, and he was stiff at first, but then he melted into it, putting his hand on your neck and pulling you closer. 

After a few moments, you pulled away and punched him square in the face. 

"Owowowow...what was that for!?" He said, fake tears in his eyes. 

"You better not leave me again, or I might die too." You said, puffing your cheeks while looking to the side. 

"How could you punch my cute face!? But (Y/N)," he turned your head to face him and gave you a large smile.

"I'll never leave you again."

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