hanako-kun ~ i'm sorry, but are you sure about that? (request! <3)

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hello my lovely reader-chan's! i am happy to say that i am 90% back to my normal self!! i still have a headache, but nothing some aspirin won't fix, which means i'm back to writing! i was surprised to see that four people requested, but i'm so excited to write these since these ideas are so cute >//.//< anyways, this was requested by @ChimmyIsChimChim ! (i literally just realized that in earlier chapters the usernames didn't tag, so sorry about that!) i hope you enjoy this oneshot and thank you for requesting!! ;P

btw this is a pervy!hanako x fem!reader :))


"Yashiroooo!" You wailed as you ran into the bathroom, dropping your bag on the ground and immediately searching the small space for the silver-haired girl. 

You instantaneously spotted her, and you buried your head into her shoulder as you started talking nonsense. 

"(Y/N)! I don't understand what's going on! Did something happen?" You lifted your head up and wiped your eyes as you pulled out a slip of paper from your pocket, shoving into her hands. Her eyebrows immediately furrowed out of curiosity once she received the paper, but just as she was about to read it-

"HANAKO-KUN! STOP TRYING TO PEEK!" You screamed. Boyish giggling was heard as the said apparition floated out from behind Yashiro's shoulder, his arms crossed casually behind his head as you angled the paper away from his prying eyes. 

"Whaaaat? Was I doing something wrong (Y/N)-chan?" He asked innocently, putting a finger to his lip as his other hand was put in front of him, his wrists hanging loose so he looked like he was trying to imitate a dog. (i'm so sorry idk how else to describe bUT you guys know what i'm talking abt)

"Damn right you were doing something wrong! I'm trying to talk to Yashiro and trying to peek is rude! Now go and grow mushrooms in the corner or something!" You huffed, crossing your arms and blowing a raspberry at him. 

You were always known as a bit childish and immature amongst the student body, however, it wasn't even close to the pure mixture of immaturity and childishness that was the apparition Hanako-san of the Bathroom. 

"Then how about you give me a good punishment, (Y/N)~?" His fake "innocent" expression was dropped for a moment, and he smirked at you, giving you an intense look as you scoffed at his shallow attempt to get you flustered. 

"Mhm, oh yeah, sure sure, in your starry dreams Hanako." You brushed off his pout and rolled your eyes before going back to talk to Yashiro, except, there was no Yashiro to be found. 

"Uh, Yashiro?" You called out, wondering where she could have gone. 

"Huh, well that's kinda weird..." 

"(Y/N)! Sorry, but can you finish cleaning? I need to help Kou-kun with his Algebra homework." She popped her head out from the entrance with a smile on her face, waiting for a response. You raised a finger to your lip, looking up, wondering if there was anything you had to do. 

"Uh, nope, I don't think I have anything to for the rest of the day, so yeah, you can go ahead!" 

"Thank you so much (Y/N)! Bye Hanako-kun!" Yashiro quickly left, and you could hear her running footsteps echoing from the hallway as she rushed to help Kou out. 

What a good senpai...helping out her kouhai's, Yashiro is so respectable. 

"Are you sure you don't have anything to do this afternoon (Y/N)-chan? Because if you don't have anything to do, you could probably do m-"

"My daily readings of the Holy Bible? I totally agree with you Hanako-kun, thank you for the idea." You turned around and faced him, your eyebrow twitching as you grabbed a random textbook from your bag and threw it at him, although he easily dodged it, letting it hit the wall. 

He let out a long whistle and looked back at you with a slightly scared expression and some tears in his eyes, although you wouldn't be surprised if they were fake. 

"You could have almost hit me there! Were you actually trying to hit me (Y/N)-chan!? That's so mean!" 

"Get over yourself Hanako-kun, I just gotta clean this cursed bathroom and get the hell out." He didn't say anything, but instead just sadly walked over to the windowsill where he curled up into a ball and rocked back and forth. 

Okay, I kinda feel a little bad now, that was a little bit mean...

You shooed the thought away; life wasn't always fair, and if Hanako didn't know that, then he was stupider than you thought. 

Cleaning didn't take very long, although it did finally give you a little bit of quiet time to think about recent events. 

Looking over at Hanako-kun in his sad state made you feel somewhat...guilty? But it felt amplified more, different from the guilt you had felt in the past, like when you had accidentally eaten all of Yashiro's cookies. 

It weighed heavier on you, as if you were almost physically carrying something, and it made your heart hurt. Not physically, but emotionally, in a way. 

You hadn't even noticed that you had been staring until you suddenly made eye contact with his golden eyes. Instead of looking away, you just continued to hold the eye contact until he looked away after a few moments, most likely from embarrassment before he smirked at you. 

"Y'know (Y/N), cleaning toilets isn't the only thing that's fun about being on your knees if you know what I me-"

"Y'know Hanako-kun, if an apparition were to have sex, then technically would they have to use protection? Just saying." You watched as his face immediately turned an alarming shade of red as he attempted to hide it by covering his mouth with his hand and pulling his cap down as he looked away. 

But you weren't done yet. 

You stood up from the floor and walked over to the windowsill, setting your arm next to him so that you were slightly over him, before taking his cap off his head and pushing his bangs up before leaning in and giving a soft kiss to his forehead, and then moving down and placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. 

"Wha-" You placed a finger over his lips, giving him a smirk and putting his hat back on his head before turning around and scooping your bag up from the floor and going to exit the bathroom. 

Before you did, you stopped at the doorway. 

"Oh, and Hanako-kun?"

"I-I, uh, yeah?"

"Sorry not sorry." You looked back, winking before skipping off into the hallways and off to who-knows-where.

"That girl..."


i hope you all liked this! i'm going to have to delay the release of my kou x reader book since i wanna get my other three requests done first because i love writing your guys' requests, it's so cute o//.//o stay safe loves!


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