kou minamoto - trust factor (request! <3)

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hello loves! this oneshot was requested by @Wolfie_playzz ! i think you all already know i absolutely love writing for kou, so i'm so happy i had the chance to write this! thanks for requesting!

NOTES: this is for a male reader! i'm not used to writing boy x boy, so please bear with me here! also, it may be short because i'm sleep deprived, apologies!


"Seriously (Y/N)-kun!? That's so cute! I think-mmph!" 

"Could you keep it down Yashiro!? Somebody could hear you!" You whisper-yelled to the girl, putting your hand over her mouth as you looked around to see if anybody had been paying attention. You dragged her to the stairwell, making sure that nobody was around before releasing your grip from her. 

"Hey! That wasn't very nice, I was just trying to give you some tips! I mean, I'm definitely an expert at love, if I do say so myself." She put a hand on her hip and flipped her hair as a smug look appeared on her face. You deadpanned at the girl as she opened an eye to look at your reaction. 

"Uh-huh, sure, whatever you say..."

"I've read a ton of romance novels! Definitely enough to know more about love than your average teenager, thank you very much!" She huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at you. 

"Whatever, anyways...I didn't tell you just for giggles, I came to you because I need help." Yashiro's ears immediately perked up as she swiveled towards you, patiently yet excitedly waiting for your answer. You awkwardly coughed into your hand, a blush spreading along your cheeks from the embarrassment of asking your question. 

"Well, you see, I mean, since you see him every day I mean, do you think..." Yashiro nodded her head, beckoning you to ask the question with an almost knowing smile on her face. Your shoulders tensed and you squeezed your eyes shut before mumbling something. 

"What? I couldn't hear you, say it again!" She encouraged, and you adjusted the bag on your shoulder as you glued your eyes to the A/C in a nearby classroom. 

"WelldoyouthinkthatMinamotolikesboybecauseIdon'tknowhowtoaskhimwithoutsayingitoutright!" You rapidly told her as she tried to process your words. You could almost see the heard working in her brain as she struggled to figure out what you had just said. 

"Could you say that again?" She asked as she looked at your red face. You scoffed, wondering if you would even have the courage to say it again. Taking a deep breath, you calmed your nerves before saying your words a bit more slowly. 

"I, uh, well, do you...do you think that Minamoto likes, uh, boys? 'Cause I don't...I don't...I don't know how to figure it out without askinghimdirectlysocanyouhelpme?" Yashiro blinked at you, causing you to become self-conscious about your question. You put your hands, waving them as you had an embarrassed and sheepish look on your face. 

"I-I mean-! It's not really a big deal or anything! You don't have to do anything that may make you feel uncomfortable since I know some people are uncomfortable with this kind of stud, o-or-! I can just forget about it it's not really a big deal I mean-!"

Yashiro started squealing and jumping around all over the place, and you stopped staring at her as she was fangirling. 

"Oh this is just perfect! I'm so excited! This is exactly like a Shounen slice of life or romance anime! The shy main character is embarrassed about his feelings towards another boy, so he asks the funny and amazing female best friend for advice!"

"U-Uh...I mean..." You sweatdropped at her. After a little bit of her fangirling, she finally calmed down and told you that she would try and hint at it in the coming weeks of school. 

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