kou minamoto - sweater weather ;) (request <3)

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hello again my loves! I feel bad for not updating for a while so I decided to tackle this request as well! this oneshot was requested by @Riri_chama ! this oneshot is going to be on the shorter side, so I hope you don't mind! thanks for requesting love! 


The way that the wind gently lifted her hair and twirled it around in a fragile dance had him mesmerized. 

The way she tucked her red cheeks into her scarf as she giggled quietly at the snowflakes falling had the butterflies in his stomach fluttering around in panic. 

The way her eyes had a sparkle in them when she caught a snowflake on her tongue had his heart running a marathon. 

"Uh, Kou?" He snapped out of his trance when she brushed the back of her hand against his forehead, a slightly concerned look on her face as she furrowed her brow. 

"Are you feeling alright? We can go inside if you're not feeling the best." 

"Uh-! No, I'm fine!" He exclaimed, embarrassed about being caught staring. She leaned closer, studying his face as he gulped at the close proximity. 

"Are you sure? I can make some hot chocolate if you'd like, we don't have to-mmph!?" Without warning, he slipped his hands down to her waist and pulled her closer to him, closing the small distance between them she let out a surprised squeak, their cold lips melting together. 

She got over the initial shock of it, melting into his warm embrace as she brought her hands to his hair, lightly entangling her fingers in it. 

They pulled away before long, and she immediately looked to the side, covering her eyes in embarrassment and trying to cover her extremely red cheeks. 

"L-Let's get, uh, let's get inside! You, uh, uhm, you must be cold!" Before he could respond, she wiggled out of his grasp and ran inside her house, muttering something he couldn't hear.

His eyes were wide, his hand moving up to cover the bottom half of his face as he looked at her through the window, taking her boots off. 


He strode in after her, taking off his wet boots and coat and setting them near the heater to dry faster. She was already in the kitchen, heating up milk in a saucepan and making hot chocolate, stirring it occasionally so it didn't burn. 

Kou walked up to her and hugged her from behind, wrapping his long arms around her waist as he rested his head on her shoulder, yawning as a sudden wave of exhaustion came over him from running around in the snow all day. 

"Eep!" She squealed from the sudden close contact, her body tensing up and her cheeks starting to get blushy again. He just chuckled quietly, burying his face into the crook of her shoulder, breathing in the comforting scent of vanilla from her consistent baking habit. 

Although she was caught off guard, she relaxed in his grip and continued slowly stirring the milk on a low temperature. 



"I love you." She looked to the side, puffing out her cheeks before quietly mumbling something he couldn't hear.

"What was that?" She huffed, furrowing her brow as the tips of her ears turned red. 

"I said, I love you too."


so sorry that this was so short, I was going to mak it around 1000 words but I suddenly got this really bad ringing in my ears so I decided to cut it short. I promise next time I update it'll be a nice long one, so please leave requests on the request page! thanks for reading!


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