kou minamoto - just lay down. literally. just lay down.

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hello loves! before I start, please read this first. this book is not safe to read for Ramadan! please keep this in mind before reading if you are Muslim!! stay safe please!

so uh, I might make a kou minamoto x reader like, bOOk, but i'm not really sure if anybody would be interested in it?? I love writing about kou he is literally my baby even though we're the same age but I wuv him swo much I just...<3 uh anyways, back to our scheduled programming folks-


Sometimes life had the worst timing. 

And this was something that she could definitely attest to. 

Coldness engulfed her body as she violently shivered, her teeth chattering as you would see in an old 80's cartoon as she burrowed deeper into the mountain of blankets she had stacked upon herself. 

Her original plans for the first day of winter break definitely did not include something like the pitiful state she was in at the moment, but rather spending time over at the Minamoto household, (which she visited almost daily) to spend time with her favorite of the siblings, Kou Minamoto. She'd been looking forward to it ever since it was scheduled, exploding with happiness but also full to the brim with nervousness. 

What would happen if she embarrassed herself? Would she just run out? Would Kou hate her for the rest of their natural lives, never wanting to cross paths with her again?

There were too many possibilities for her to not worry over the outcome, but it would seem that worrying over the issue would be futile now, since there was absolutely no way she could go over and present herself to him in such a pitiful and horrid state. 

A cold sweat dripped down her back as she pulled her legs to her chest, tucking her arms underneath them in a failed attempt to try and retain some heat. A sudden ding from her phone caused her to groan she stuck her hand out from under the covers and reached around her nightside table for her phone. Pulling it back in, she squinted as soon as she saw the brightness of her phone screen, but she didn't bother turning it down as she stared at the new notification on her lock screen. 


kOu >:)                                                                                                      Just Now     |
hey (f/n)-chan, i'm coming over! nii-san said your mom isn't home       \
so I should go and check on you! i'll be...                                                            \

She gaped at the message for a moment, wondering what on Earth would possess Kou to come over. As she read over the message, she closed her eyes and let out a shaky exhale, containing her rage as she swore to fight Teru next she saw him. 

I swear, I will kick his sorry ass into next fucking year once I get my hands on that little bastard, ooo he'll be sorry he ever messed with me.

She put her phone down, another wave of violent shivers wracking her body as she coughed. 

Maybe it won't be so bad? There's no way I could get downstairs to get medicine, so...


A gentle shaking of your shoulder brought you around, and you opened your eyes, groaning as you looked up to see what was shaking you. 

"Hey (F/N)-chan, I made some of that tomato rice soup that you like, and I brought some medicine too. Have you taken any yet?" A warm smile and slightly concerned face looked down at you, and it took you a second to realize who it was, and once you did you immediately ducked your head under your pillow, not wanting him to see your messy hair. 

"Uh, n-no, not yet." You started shivering again, and although you tried to keep the chattering to a minimum, it still caused you to stutter a bit as you spoke. 

"Something wrong? Why'd you cover your head with your pillow?" You peeked from underneath it and saw Kou looking at you with a worried look in his eyes as he set down the bags that he was previously holding, and you made eye contact with his bright blue eyes for a moment before looking away in a panic, trying to calm your racing heart. 

"Nothing, d-don't worry about it." Suddenly, your refuge was taken away as Kou snatched the pillow away from you. 


"Nope! I gotta get you better so I gotta see you! That's just how it is, sorry (F/N)." You glared at him before looking away and puffing your cheeks, pulling your covers up to try and get warmer. 

"Anyways! I got you the blue raspberry medicine because I know that it's your favorite even if you won't admit it, and I can heat up the soup whenever you're hungry. Now, how much do I give you..." You glanced over at him as he read the directions on the side of bottle, feeling your heart race as you realized he wasn't wearing his uniform, but instead was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. 

"Something wrong?" You squeaked in surprise as he looked to you with a questioning look in his eyes, and you looked away, embarrassed that you were caught staring. A wave of coldness washed over you, and before you could answer him, your body trembled violently before going back to your normal shivers. 

He measured out the correct amount of medicine before sitting on the edge of your bed, giving you the spoon with the medicine on it before taking it back once you were done. 

Once he was back from putting the spoon in the sink, you had covered yourself with your blankets, leaving just enough room for your head so that you could breathe in air that wasn't stuffy. The coldness you felt was getting quite annoying, but you couldn't help the shivers as they kept on coming. 

"(F/N)? Is everything alright?" 

"Y-Yeah, just, a bit-!" A shock of cold spread throughout you, your body shaking violently once again before going back to shivering normally. 

"-cold." He didn't respond, but after a few moments of silence, you felt your covers being lifted up, and a weight on the other side of your bed. 

"K-Kou!? What-!?"

"Shh! J-Just-! Don't say anything!" A warm arm wrapped around your waist before pulling you back into a pool of warmth, and you sighed in relief, grateful for the change in temperature. 

"Uh, is that any better?" 

"Yeah, it is..." You breathed out, a wave of exhaustion suddenly hitting you. Your heart was racing though, especially given your current position. 

FUck it, YolO!1!!

"Y'know Kou, this might not be the best time to say it, but-"

"I like you. A lot." Your eyes widened, and you heart was going a mile a minute. Kou tightened his grip around your waist as he pulled you closer to him, his chin resting on the top of your head as it leaned back against his chest. 

"U-Uh, yeah! Me too...I like you too..." You couldn't fight back your exhaustion anymore, so you succumbed to the dream world. 

Little did you know, that a small kiss was planted on the crown of your head. 

"I'm in love with you, actually."


guys, can I please just say how much I love person 5 like oH my gAWd I might just impulsively make a oneshot book for Akira & Yusuke ohmahgerd but i'm still pressed over the fact they changed his name to ren amamiya in the animation and completely changed his personality, like bruh, why you gotta do my boy Akira like dat doe??

anyways, thanks for reading! please leave requests in the request page, & don't forget to vote! stay safe loves, and practice social distancing! 


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