sakura nanamine - overprotective much?

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hi luvies!! sorry i haven't updated in so long! i've been going through some things recently, but i'm alright now, and i'm back with a vengeance!! so this wasn't a request, but i love sakura as a character and i think she would be so nice to write, so here i am!

i also have an announcement! please do not send in requests while requests are closed. i already have a lot of them, so i would like to finish those before taking new requests. i have already previously stated that requests are closed, so if you could respect that, it would be greatly appreciated! thanks, and i hope you guys enjoy!!

NOTE: fem!reader

Being the girlfriend of somebody who is bound to somebody as annoying as Tsukasa can be quite a handful, as you've come to realize in the past couple of months.

"(Y/NNNNN), Sakura's being mean again! You need to tell her to stop and be nice!!" Unfortunately for you, he wouldn't just annoy your girlfriend, but he would annoy you as well.

He was currently attached to your body like a clingy koala, damn near yelling into your ear about his daily problems in his oddly uninteresting dead life.

"If Sakura was suddenly nice to you I would be extremely worried for her wellbeing. Please stop annoying me, I have to go and make sure that SiMp Natsuhiko hasn't proposed to her yet." You easily shrugged off Tsukasa from your body and started to make your way over to the broadcasting room.

"Sakura?" You called out as you entered the club room.

"Ah, (Y/N), how are you?" She slid her headphones down and let them rest around her neck as she looked at you, a small smile on her face.

Sauntering over, you dropped your bag to the ground and pushed yourself up on the table in front of her, swinging your legs as you started to recount your day.

She quietly listened as you rambled on about whatever nonsense you were talking about, taking in every word.

"Oh! And then during lunch, Tsukasa kept clinging to my arm, and I had to pretend like he wasn't there." You scoffed as you twisted a piece of hair between your fingers. "It was fine though, because-"

"Sakura!" As soon as you heard the voice, you rolled your eyes and scoffed, annoyed that he had cut you off as you were speaking.

"Sakura! Oh, my lovely flower, have you fallen for my princely looks yet?" Natsuhiko was as he always was, trying to win over Sakura even though she was taken. He swung her rolling chair around, his hand next to her head as he gave her what could only be called a smolder. (tangled, amiright)

"I have a girlfriend." She deadpanned, pushing him back and swiveling her chair back around to face you.

Natsuhiko sighed and slumped down, starting to walk away.

(pretend this is in italics bc i'm writing on my phone) Oh thank god, there was no way i could handle him for another minute.

Apparently, you thought too soon.

He perked up and ran back over, obviously with some sort of other idea in mind.

"Y'know Sakura, you could always ditch the girl. I mean, she's pretty average, and she's
because she can see Tsukasa without spiritual powers, she's probably gonna kick the bucket, if you know what I me-"

"Natsuhiko, you're swimming in dangerous waters. I think it might be best if you leave for today." You shifted your eyes over to Sakura, who suddenly had what could only be described as a murderous look on her face, although her face had remained the same. Behind her was Tsukasa, (although you had no idea when he came in) who radiated a dangerous aura as well as a blank look in his eyes.

"I've tolerated your presence for a while now, and you always annoy my assistant, you might want to listen to her before you're decapitated." You gulped at the bloodlust that the both of them were radiating. It wasn't even targeted at you and you felt threatened.

Natsuhiko didn't say anything, although you didn't miss the fear in his eyes as he immediately scrammed from the scene.

As soon as he left, the two were back to normal, and Sakura turned towards you with her regular small smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about that (Y/N), but please, feel free to continue what we were conversing about before that interruption." It took you a moment to process, but you smiled at her and leaned forward from the table you were sitting on, closing your eyes and giving her a soft kiss, your hand brushing against her cheekbone. She tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, and slowly pulled away, you gave her a loving glance before you started to ramble on about your day again.

Sakura laughed softly as she watched you talk animatedly about the rest of your day.

that's all for today loves!! i hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! i'm away from home and trying to enjoy my time away because home is a bit rough atm, but i'll try and finish up the rest of the requests!! thanks!!


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