hanako-kun - my ray of sunshine (request <3) (major su*cide tw)

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hello! this is a request from @Shichiihara ! thanks for requesting, I hope you like it! (you asked for angsty, and you shall receive, the beginning is like angst level 100)

tw for su*cidal thoughts, attempt, & description of su*cide 

before I start this, please please please know that if any of this is ever even a flicker of a thought in your mind, extinguish it. and if you can't do it alone, please do not hesitate to reach out to somebody for help. there is other ways to deal with issues, and this is definitely not one of them. there will always be people who will miss you, who will cry for you, and who will be heartbroken. if you don't have anybody to talk to or reach out to, my dm's are always open if you feel comfortable with it. the national su*cide hotline is 1-800-273-8255, and there are people who can help you there if you need it. 

you are loved <3


The world is a cruel place, this is a fact that I have figured out through experience. People will stop at nothing to tear others down, and surrounding yourself with the wrong people can get you killed. 

And yet...just the simple way he smiles makes me think, maybe, just maybe, there is a ray of sunshine; a glimmer of hope. 


"(Y/N)!" Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up to see Hanako floating upside down, a questioning look on his face. 

"Woah, dreamland much? Thinking dirty thoughts (Y/N)-chan?" He said, a knowing smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at his antics, grabbing my bag and hanging it over my shoulder. 

"You wish. Gotta go Hanako-kun, Yashiro-chan, Kou-kun, see you guys tomorrow." I said, waving as I walked out. 

"Bye (Y/N)-chan!"

"See you tomorrow Senpai!" 

"Don't forget to clean the toilets again tomorrow!" I chuckled lightly at Hanako's response. 

"I come to clean the bathrooms every day..." After a short walk downstairs, I made it out of the school, and grabbed my bike, unlocking it from the pole before getting on starting to bike back home. 

Wonder if Kou is gonna need study help again after his science exam...

By the time I got home, the sun was just setting, painting the sky with different hues of orange and pink. Cherry blossom petals from the neighbor's yard gently fell from the branches, coating the grass and sidewalk with pretty pastel pink.

The time was 6:30 p.m.

I walked in the house, kicking my shoes off and putting my bag down and jogging upstairs to see if my mom was home yet. 

"Mom! I'm home!" I called out, waiting for a response before going up the rest of the stairs. 

Strange...she's usually home by this time...

Coming up to her bedroom door, I softly knocked on it. 

"Mom?" After hearing no response, I went in, wondering if she was sleeping. 


Right there. 

She was right there. 

Her hair was spread around her head, the skin on her face paler than I'd ever seen it before. A bottle of pills laid on its side near her hand, open. 

"Mommy...?" This was the only word that I could think of to say. 

She was sleeping. 

No she's not. 

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