kou minamoto - i'll never forget you

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okay, i'm sorry i keep doing kou so much i just love him with my whole heart but this oneshot is based on recent events! I just found out that i got into the highschool i really wanted to get into, and if you live in Chicago, i got into lane tech!! :))  okay but the only thing that relates me to this is getting high school test results, i don't have a kou to love me :'( i wish i did though >//O//<


You quickly dialed in the number of your boyfriend, running around your living room in the process. 

Answer answer answer!


"Kou! The results are in!" 

"Really!?" You heard his eager voice through the speaker, and you squealed in excitement and nervousness. 

"Yeah! I'm on the website now, but I haven't clicked on yet..." You suddenly remembered that Kou was staying for highschool at Kamome, and that if you got into the high school you wanted to go to, you would be leaving Kou behind. 

"...(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" You heard him ask, his voice coming through the phone as mildly concerned. 

"Mm? Ah, nothing..." You trailed off, and your cursor hovered over the email, but you hesitated in clicking it. 



"Will you forget about me?" 

"...What are you talking about, (Y/N)?" You twirled a lock of hair around your finger, nervously laughing, trying to gather your thoughts. 

"I mean...if I do get in...you would probably find someone a lot prettier than-"

"Stop!" You jumped a bit, flustered by the sudden exclamation and a bit embarrassed by what you had just confessed. 

"(Y/N), even if we go to different highschool's, I could never find somebody who makes my heart race the way you do or somebody who has a prettier smile than you, that's just how it is. Now, open the email and see if you got in!" You were staring at the computer in shock, surprised by the sincerity of Kou's words. 

"Uh, (Y/N)? I'm sorry if I was being a bit too forward! I didn't mean to make you feel uncom-"

"Shut up dork, I'm gonna open the email!" He immediately hushed, and you clicked on it, skimming through its contents. 

"Oh my god..."

"What is it!? Did you get in??" You put a hand to your mouth, tears filling your eyes. 

"Yeah! I-I, I got in!" You laughed, tears running down your face. 

"Yes! I'm so proud of you (Y/N)! Wait, are you crying!?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm just, really happy!" You insisted, smiling widely. 

You heard rustling on the other line, and you quickly wiped your face with your arm, still slightly laughing. 

"Kou? Why is there so much rustling?"

"I'm coming over to your place, and we're going to celebrate! I'll pick up some take-out on the way!" 

"Kou! You really don't have to-"

"I want to! You just got into the high school of your dreams, you deserve to be spoiled!"

"At least let me pay half-"

"Nope! Not hearing it!"

"Wait, Kou-!" You deadpanned at your phone, an eyebrow twitching.

He hung up...

Shortly thereafter, you heard a couple of knocks on your door, and you immediately jumped up to run to the door. 

You opened it, revealing your smiling boyfriend, who had his staff strapped across his back and was holding a plastic bag in one of his hands. 

"Delivery?" He said, a sheepish smile on his face, one of his hands rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. 

You didn't say anything but instead gave him a big hug, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He seemed a bit surprised for a moment, but he enveloped your frame with his long arms, holding you tightly. 

"I'm so proud of you (Y/N)! I know how hard you worked to get in there." His warmth more than enough of a reward, but you were forced to pull away in order to let him in. 

He started unpacking all of your favorite food from your favorite take-out place, and as well pulled out a couple of DVD cases, holding them up with a large smile on his face. 

"I also brought some movies for us to watch!" You pecked his cheek before starting to unpack the food he had brought. 


Needless to say, the rest of the night was full of food and warm cuddles from Kou. 



i hope you all liked this! remember to request on the request page if you have something you want me to write! :)) also, make sure you all wash your hands and keep a distance from others in public! stay safe my loves! <3

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