mitsuba sousuke - your sensei probably films kids in porn!

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Leaning your head on your hand, you looked up to see the board so that you could at least try and take notes or the test that was next week. 

"I don't think I would mind slightly dying right now..." You whispered to yourself, giving up on notes and doodling instead. 

"I think I would mind." You jumped in your seat, looking above you to see your pink-clad boyfriend, Mitsuba. 

"Sousuke!" You whisper-yelled. 

"Whaaat? I didn't do anything wrong!" 

"I've told you not to-"

"(L/N)-san, would you mind sharing whatever you are talking to yourself about with the class?" You looked up to see your Sensei, (along with the whole class) staring at you, waiting for your response. Your eyes widened and you felt tears filling up your eyes from nervousness, but you stopped blinking to keep them from falling. 

"I-I, uh, no, Sensei." You bowed your head, trying to keep yourself in check. 

"No no, (L/N)-san, you were obviously saying something, so I don't think the class would mind hearing, yes?" 

Goddamn you, you fucking prick. 

You stood up, looking down to try and make the eyes of everyone staring at you go away. 

"May I use the restroom, Sensei?" 

"I think you can wait until you tell us what you were talking about, (L/N)-san." You looked up at Mitsuba, who was currently flipping off your teacher and making rude faces at him, and then looked at Kou, who was looking at you with nervousness in his eyes. 

You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself before talking, making sure your voice wouldn't crack. 

"I was, uh, um, I was talking, I was talking to myself, and, uh, that's all,"

"I think that was pretty clear (L/N)-san, but what were you talking to yourself about?" You looked up at your Sensei for a moment, and you could see the clear hatred in his eyes. 

Oh my fucking- what is this guy's problem!?

The only thing you could think of was to bring up Sousuke since you knew that if you brought up the touchy subject of your dead friend, (who was actually your undead boyfriend) he would probably let you leave so you could talk to him. 

And so, you didn't think about your whole class who was staring at you, but instead, you just focused your anger onto your Sensei. 

"I was talking to myself about Mitsuba-kun, do you really have to be such a pain in the ass, Sensei!?" You saw his face immediately freeze up, but before he could do anything, you shoved your notebook into your bag and ran out of the classroom. 

You ran and ran and ran until you were outside on one of the staircases. Out of breath, you dropped your bag on the floor and put your hands on your knees, panting. 

"Uh, (Y/N)?" You whipped your head up and you saw Mitsuba, fiddling with the strap on his camera. 

He lowered down to your height, (although he was still slightly taller than you) but you didn't give him a chance to say anything before throwing yourself onto him. 

"E-eh!?" His face was enveloped in a blush, and you lifted your face up to look at him. 

"Sousuke! You're the best!" He looked to the side, stumbling over his words. 

"But! But I got you in troubl-!"

"You helped me finally stand up to that old boomer Sensei of mine!" You peppered kisses on his face, making him break out into an even bigger mess. 


"I love youuuu!" You planted your head on his chest, with him slightly looking down at you with a flustered expression, and you looking up at him with love in your eyes. 

He used his arms to push himself up a bit, although you stayed attached to him. He looked down at you, (still a blush on his face, although the severity has lessened) then quickly grabbed his camera and snapped a picture of you. 

"Sousuke!" You furrowed your eyebrows, but he lowered his camera and set it down to the side, using his arms to support his weight as he looked at you. 

"I feel like I should drag that Sensei of yours into the middle of traffic. Especially with his Donald Trump looking haircut and what-"


"Sorry, sorry!" He snickered, but he knew you weren't mad at him by the smirk you had on your face. 

The two of you laid there, just enjoying each other's presence until the last bell finally rang. 

"(Y/N)?" He gently shook your shoulder, trying to get your attention. Your soft snores filled the air, and he smiled gently at you, pulling a piece of hair back from your face and tucking it behind your ear. 

"(Y/NNNN)..." He shook your shoulder a little harder this time, try to get you to wake up.


"You have to go and help Tsuchigomori with the books in the 4pm Bookstacks, remember?" You immediately shot up, gathering your thing in a frantic rush. 

Mitsuba got up and floated over to where you were grabbing your bag. 

"Oh my god he's going to be so angry that I'm late-" You looked over at your boyfriend, who was looking at you in mild interest, his eyebrows raised. 

"Actually, Sousuke! You can come as well! It'll be super fun!" You didn't give any time o respond before grabbing his hand and dragging him along with you. 

"W-wait! (Y/N)-"

"Don't even try and come up with any excuses Sousuke! It'll be great fun!" You looked back and smiled at him, and although he tried to come up with a reason to not make you smile, it seemed that there wasn't any. 

"Fine..." He grumbled as you pulled him along, although you didn't seem to hear. 

"Ooo, just wait until I tell Tsuchigomori-sensei about my Sensei!" Mitsuba rolled his eyes, but he smiled at you. He preferred to see you laughing and talking about random topics than holding back tears in front of your mean Sensei. 

A certain gleam shined his eyes. 

"What a Sensei! He doesn't even look like a Sensei, but more of a sex offender who wants to find young kids to film in porn-!"

Needless to say, after your visit to Tsuchigomori-sensei and telling him about your cruel teacher, your Sensei was fired for "private circumstances", as well as getting a real shock when he opened his desk that afternoon.


I feel mitsuba was really ooc in this, but he is baby, and so is kou. period. 


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