teru minamoto - it's all relative, isn't it? (request <3)

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hello loves! this is a request from @babydolled ! thanks for requesting, and I hope you enjoy!

warning! this is extremely angsty!!


The empty hallways were quite a bore; there was nothing fun to really do when you didn't have any friends and you were an apparition. Nobody can see you, which means you can't interact with anybody, which means there was nothing to do. 

Well, except for one person. 

That someone was the prince of the school, Teru Minamoto. He was an exorcist which meant he could see you, along with a few other students, such as Akane Aoi and Yashiro Nene, although you weren't acquainted with them, they would still give you the occasional greeting. 

Of course, you knew that Teru hated apparitions, but it seemed that as long as you didn't hurt people, he was okay with letting you be. 

You floated into the library, wondering if there were any good books to read to try and pass the time. Floating over to the fantasy section, you found a copy of your favorite book series from back when you were still alive, and you were overjoyed to see it. You went to go float up to get it, but it was just out of your reach; you couldn't float too high after all. 

"Dang it...c'mon, just a little more!" You tried to push yourself to reach just a little more, but it was to no avail. The book would forever be out of your reach, at least, until it was nighttime and you could move things around without having to worry about anybody noticing. 

A hand grabbed the book and you whirled around to see who on Earth would be able to see you. 

"Ah, Minamoto-san!" 

"Here you go." He gave you the book with a bored face, yet you smiled nonetheless, accepting the book gratefully. 

"Thank you so much!" He nodded and was about to walk away, but before he could, you called out to him. 

"Uh, Minamoto-san?" He turned around, looking at you and waiting for your response. You steeled your nerves, giving yourself a second before speaking again. 

"Well, if your not busy, do you think that you could maybe help me do some problems in one of the school workbooks? I..."

"Why would you possibly need help to study? You're an apparition." You flinched at his cold tone towards you, but you shook it off, holding the book to your chest and playing with the cover. 

"Well, I...I don't want to be stupid, y'know? I don't want to forget everything I learned while I was still alive...if, uh, that makes any sense..." You heard him sigh loudly, his hand holding his face before massaging his temples. 

"Fine. Meet me here at 5:45." You made sure Teru was gone and out of the hallways before sighing to yourself, a small smile on your face as you bounced around happily. 



The next day had gone by in a blur, and before you knew it, it was 5:45. You were waiting patiently in the library, an old textbook you had found for sophomore math classes on the table in front of you as you passed the time by reading your book Teru had grabbed for you yesterday. 

You heard the doors to the library open and close, and as you saw Teru walking in, you closed your book, giving him a small smile before putting the book on the table. 

"Hi, Minamoto-san! How was your day?"

"Just the usual. Now, let's get started."


This went on for a while; he would come and help you refresh your memory on various school subjects. He even gave you tests once in a while and gave you copies of the midterms and finals so that you would be challenged. In the beginning, he was quite cold towards you, but once hed been helping you for a while, he started to warm up to you, ad the two of you were eventually friendly towards each other. 

"Did you hear? There's a girl who haunts the library, and at exactly 5:28 a.m is when you can summon her, but beware, because when you summon her, she will ask you how she died, and if you don't tell her, she'll make you experience the pain of her death as revenge on her murderer." Teru furrowed his brows as he heard the whispers going around.

Who was this mysterious new rumor? 

He decided to ask (Y/N) if she knew anything about it when he went to go and help her later that day. 

When he walked into the library he expected to find her sitting in her usual spot, reading or book or staring off into space, but instead, she was leaning against a bookshelf, biting her nails while she appeared to be in deep thought. 

"(Y/N)-san?" She was snapped out of her thoughts, and she immediately rushed over to him. 

"Minamoto-san! I need you to exorcise me right now!" He looked at her, bewildered at her sudden request. 

"What on Earth are you talking about?" Her heart raced as she fell to the ground, her sobs ringing out in the silence of the library. 

"Somebody gave me a rumor! They-! They changed my rumor! I don't want to hurt anybody! So please! Exorcise me!" He stared at her sobbing body in front of him, contemplating what to do. 

She said she doesn't want to hurt anybody, but exorcising her would be...immoral. This is happening against her will. 

He felt a strange feeling in his gut, and it made him want to hold her close and never let her go. Teru wasn't stupid, he knew exactly what this was, and he went to kneel down to try and comfort her. His hand rested on her shoulder as she looked up at him, her shining (e/c) eyes looking back at him as he felt his heart rate rise, he cleared his throat before speaking. 

"Hey (Y/N), it's alright. I'll figure out whoever is behind this, so there's no reason to try and get me to exorcise you. I know this wasn't your inten-"

Her eyes went wide as a sickening squelch was heard, followed by an agonizing ripping sound. She looked down to see a hole in her chest, and then looked back up at him, obvious pain in her face before she collapsed into his arms. 

"(Y/N)...? (Y/N)!" 

"Oh, how adorable! The prince held the dying princess in his arms, as he vowed to avenge her and her death! What a touching and heart-warming story!" Teru looked up and saw the lookalike apparition of the Seventh Wonder looking down at him, (Y/N)'s heart in his bloody hand, a blank look in his eyes and a sick smile on his face. 

"You were the one who started the rumor, weren't you?" Teru asked, looking up at Tsukasa with a hardened glare. 

"Oh, I'm hurt that you would look at me in such a way! But yes, if you were wondering, it was my handiwork~" 

"She didn't do anything wrong, you bastard."

"But she's not a human, is she? That means it doesn't matter! I'm sure your self from a couple of months ago would agree with me! I mean, aren't all ghosts and apparitions the same?

it's all relative, isn't it?"


hope you enjoyed luvy! it's now 2:11, literally exactly an hour from when I posted the last oneshot with hanako lol 

stay safe and stay healthy loves!


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