hanako-kun - to the moon and back [songfic]

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hello loves! the magical and amazing author-chan has heard your wishes, and seen your requests! therefore, I will officially begin writing a kou x reader book! you guys might want to give me a week or two to release it, but I will update in here once I publish the first chapter! i probably won't release it until then since I always like to start books with a couple chapters already written, but get excited guys! 


Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars

"Hanako-kun! Look look look! I got an A+ on the astronomy exam! Sensei even gave me extra credit too!" She had rushed into the bathroom shouting as she shoved a paper into his face. 

"That's great (Y/N)-chan! And who do you have to thank for that~?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he looked at her. 

"You, of course! I never would've thought that you would know so much about astronomy Hanako-kun!" He laughed and floated over to the windowsill, resting his head on his palm as he crossed his legs and tilted his head, looking at her as she rambled on about her day. 

"Hanako-kun! When I die, I want to be reborn as a star! Do you think that's possible?"

Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

"Ne, (Y/N)-chan?" She hummed in response, letting him know that she was listening as they stared up at the night sky. 

"Do you love astronomy?" She turned to him with a sudden gleam in her eyes. 

"Of course I do! Space is so wonderful! It's full of secrets and mysterious places, just like you!" 

"E-Eh?! J-Just like me!?" She giggled at his flustered response. 

"Yeah!" A comfortable silence settled between the two of them for a moment, before she decided to speak again. 

"Say, Hanako-kun?"


"You should come to the moon with me."

In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

The gentle wind played with the branches of the cherry blossom tree, rustling the delicate blossoms and letting them dance along with the wind as she stumbled over her words. 

The ghost boy was waiting patiently for her response, not wanting to stress her out anymore, but he himself was extremely stressed as well. 

"U-Uh, well, you see, I, uh, hehe, I...I really like you Hanako-kun!" He stared at her, in complete shock. So much shock that he didn't even say anything before she spoke once again. 

"Uh, bUT it's fine if you don't feel the same way! I just really needed to get it off my chest and mmph-!?" He pulled her close, one of his hands resting on the small of her back while the other rested on her waist, their lips colliding in a gentle kiss, gentle as the cherry blossoms. 

Her initial shock went away, and she closed her eyes, leaning into the kiss and burying her hands in his hair, and when they pulled away for air, they looked at each other before giggling out of excitement and embarrassment. 

Fill my life with song
And let me sing for ever more

"Hanako! I made donuts!" She yelled as she ran into the abandoned bathroom, holding a paper bag in her hand. 

"Donuts? (Y/N)!" Said girl only smiled widely before taking one and shoving it into his mouth, immediately asking a million questions. 

"Does it taste alright? Is it sweet enough? Did I put too much sugar? Are they burnt? Oh my god, it's probably bur-"

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