Crushing It

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Bailey bothered me all week about Jordan. Normally, it might grate on my nerves after a while, but I was happier than usual. We both knew why.

The circumstances were awkward for me, and frightening if I thought about it for too long.

I had three people I depended on and trusted, and I took advantage of having those people to lean on. Bailey, Celeste, and Jordan were like my crutches. I could stand by myself, but it was much more comfortable with them there to help.

With my new feelings for Jordan, I feared losing him more than ever before. Bailey wanted the best for me, so she encouraged the idea of us, but I knew she would stop teasing if I asked. I didn't ask. There was no need to appear irritated at her.

She interrupted my deep concentration. I had been lost in thought and had almost burned the chicken for our dinner.

"You're thinking awfully hard. What ever could have you so hypnotized?"

I rolled my eyes. I knew what she was implying.

Deciding to play along, I sang, "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh, please. I knew about your crush on him before you did."

"That's a lie!" That was definitely not a lie. It was scary how well she knew me.

"Will you ever admit you have a crush? You did this with Millie, too."

Again, she was right. I flushed, remembering that I had refused to make the first move on them. It was a cowardly choice, but Millie had understood in the end.

"Ben, you're never going to get anything you want if you keep waiting."

Ironically, the song Wait For It from Hamilton the musical was playing in the background. I couldn't tell if it was a coincidence or if she'd meant to reference it.

"I'm willing to wait for it," I snickered.

Bailey paused for a moment. I waited for her to understand my joke.
Suddenly, she burst out laughing and I joined her. It wasn't that funny to me, I was mostly laughing at her amusement.

"Don't change–," she tried to regain her breath mid-sentence, "–the subject."

"I wasn't. So how was work today?"

"Ben, come on. You're not going to do anything about this? Nothing at all? Not even a confession?"

"I'll confess when pigs fly." I paused to re-think, remembering that with airplanes and hot air balloons, it was possible. "No, I'll confess when you ask Celeste on a date."

I turned to look at her, grinning victoriously. Her face was the brightest red I'd ever seen.

"You don't-" she squeaked out.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"That's unfair!"

"That is completely fair! You're pestering me about my crush, I'll pester you about yours. Sounds fair to me."

"Fine," she mumbled.

"How the turn tables."

We sat in near silence for a moment, me still basking in my glorious victory and her face redder than a fire truck. The song changed to Toxic by Brittany Spears.

"Fine," she said again, louder this time.

"What? 'Fine'? What do you mean?"

"I mean fine. If I ask Celeste on a date, will you ask Jordan on one?"

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