The Flames Burn On

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School is an absolute nightmare. Why, you ask? I'll tell you if you will excuse the fourth wall breakage.

You might have noticed the title and its similarity to another title at the beginning of this story. That's not a coincidence. I should have known that something I wasn't involved in would come back to bite me in the ass. It wouldn't be the first time.

Don't worry about me. I'm used to it.

I'll start from the beginning because there's really no other way to explain this.


I was a lot more excited for school than I should have been. Ira definitely had a suspension thanks to Bailey's phone call, which would get him off my chest for a week or more, and I'd actually slept that night. Sleep felt like a luxury at this point.

Bailey and I were normal for the most part, and I thanked her for calling the school about Ira.

Yes, only Ira. I'd accidentally forgotten to tell her about the Horrible Hairs. Oops?

The minute I walked in through the school doors, I was sent to the office, which confused me. I chalked it up to a normal procedure that I would go through. The principal might want him to apologize to me. I had nothing to worry about.


Warily finding my way to the office, I got disapproving stares from the secretaries, which confused me further. I furrowed my brows, wondering what I'd done to disappoint them. Exist, probably. Sorry I was born!

Shaking it off, I asked them where to go.

"The principal is waiting for you in his office," one of them said coldly. I forgot her name, so I said thank you and moved along.

I swiftly found the principal's office and rapped on the wooden door twice.

"Come in," a muffled voice ordered.

I complied, opening the door with confidence. That confidence was ripped away from me as I saw before me not only Ira, but another student as well.

He was the freaking stupid idiot that burned down the kitchen.

"Have a seat, Mr. Lin. We have much to discuss."

I took my seat, still eyeing arson dude.

His name was a mystery to me, even after the incident, but Arson Dude had a ring to it...kind of.

"Mr. Lin," the principal started, snapping my attention to him, "where do I begin?"

I was more confused than ever.

"Sir, did I do something wrong?" I asked cautiously.

He chuckled lightly, sending a chill up my spine. That was not an amused laugh.

"Your friend Rob here," he said, gesturing to Arson Dude, "claims that he witnessed you set fire to the school kitchen."

"But I–"

"Purposely," he growled at me. I gulped.

What was he talking about? I hadn't directly seen Arson Dude set the fire, but I knew he'd done it. Glancing over to him, I saw him flash me a devilish smirk. It was then that the pieces clicked into place.

"Sir, you said it was him that accused me of burning the kitchen?" I questioned, nodding toward Arson Dude. I hoped he noticed the way I avoided eye contact with him. I hoped he was offended.

"Rob over here told me everything."

Shooting a scorching glare in Arson Dude's direction, I asked with blatantly fake politeness, "What proof do you have?"

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