Oh, Yeah. It's All Coming Together.

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  'Happiness is a luxury few can afford.' I've always found this quote interesting and bleak, but not untrue. Happiness has always felt rare for me to experience, and some of my happiest moments involve my parents, which makes them bittersweet now that they're gone.

   It was a long time before I realized I could be happy again. It took a couple months and a lot of encouragement from others, but I might have found my happiness.

   "Benjamin Lin to the front office please, Benjamin Lin to the office."

   Or maybe not.

   "Lin, what did you do this time?" a familiar and pleasantly deep voice teased. I'd be lying if I said my heart kept its regular pace.

   "Maybe it's about the crack-cocaine. Or the slashed tires. Or the smashed windows," I replied cheekily, forcefully shoving the words describing his voice out of my head.

   "If you get suspended again, I insist on tutoring you."

   I snorted. "Maybe I can give you a real introduction with Bailey. She'd brush off everything from the past few months, no doubt."

   "I'm counting on it. Anyway, I'll walk you to the office."

   "Thanks. You know you don't have to."

   "I know," he grinned at me, "I just want to spend some time with you before school's out for the weekend."

   Was it just me, or was he hiding something? It couldn't be anything bad because he was smiling so much, but I could tell something was up. He was more cheerful than usual.

   "What's got you so peppy today? You're starting to creep me out."

   His seemingly permanent grin grew wider, if that was even possible.


   "What is it?" I demanded, sticking an arm out in front of him so he couldn't walk forward.

   Pushing my arm down and meeting my eyes, he told me, "You'll see."

   "You're so suspicious. Not even a dude creeping in a dark alley is as suspicious as you right now. Is this a prank?" I stopped walking. "Ira whatever-your-middle-name-is McCarter. Tell me or I go home."

   "It's not as fun if I tell you now. Trust me. Also, I'm offended you don't know my middle name. Will you settle for me telling you that for compensation?"

   I huffed and continued walking with him.

   "Fine. What is your middle name?"


   "Are you being serious?"


   I smacked his arm lightly. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have stopped bitching about you two being completely different people."

   "You still talk like we're not the same person," he mentioned, holding the door open for me to walk into the school's front office. "I'll wait for you out here."

   "Okay. Bye."

   My heart slowed down, which I found odd. Usually my heart would start racing going near the principal's office, but it seemed this was nothing compared to being near Ira.

   God, I'm so corny.

   I shook off my battling thoughts and knocked on the principal's door. It almost felt like déjà vu, being in the same spot I had been in when I first got screwed over by that son of a–

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