Chapter 12

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Gun pov
It's been weeks when P Off and I started dating. He was really caring and sweet boyfriend. However, due to our busy schedule in school, we seldom hang out, but he always make sure to call me every night. And Im happy just by hearing his voice. My P will be graduating soon after next semester, and I'm looking forward to it.

But due to some unexpected happenings, I was rushed to the hospital one night because of high grade fever and shortness of breath. I had a lot of laboratory test but good thing all the results were unremarkable except for the chest xray wherein they diagnosed me for a pneumonia. I was discharged in the hospital after a day, but then I was called by my doctor to meet him.

Doctor: Im happy that you are okay now. But just to be sure I want you to have CT scan to find if there are any more lung problems.

Gun's mom: what do you mean by that doc?

Doctor: I'm afraid that osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in advance stages, cancer cells can even affect the lungs.

I knew my mother would worry in hearing such things.

Doctor: but don't worry ma'am, because the earlier Gun receives his treatment, the better the chances of living. We just have to schedule him for a preoperative chemotherapy to start the treatment.

Gun's mom: yes doctor, I will let my son be treated as soon as possible. No more time for delaying.

Doctor: there's chances Gun. Let's fight this disease together.

Outside the clinic, I can see my mom was busy looking at her notebook. I felt bad knowing that she's working so hard just to save money for my therapy. But, will that be really worth it.

Gun's mom: are you hungry? Come let's eat something.

She was smiling so bitterly. She haven't rested yet after finishing her part time night duty and thus, she must be so very tired. But after calling her  because of my sudden fever, she didn't hesitate to take me to the hospital all by herself. I want to help her find money for my therapy, but I know I couldn't. I can't even go outside without my pain killers, and I noticed that the pain and swelling on my leg became worse than before. It just affects my life especially when going to school. I know I should be treated.

At home. I was busy arranging my stuffs and then I saw my phone with 7 missed calls from P Off. He must be so worried, I didn't contact him for a day.

I was about to dial Off's number, when I heard my mom mumbling in the living room.

I listened to her talking and it seemed she's communicating someone on the phone.

Mom: I badly need your help... If I have to do this alone, our sons life will be put to danger...... Please I'm begging you....

I knew it. My mom is calling my dad and asking for some money for my therapy.

Mom: please think of Gun too. He's also your son... He's not a stranger that you can just give for some donations for his treatment,,, please I'm asking you as his father... If you think even a little about his condition, please help me,,,

My mom was already crying and it Hurts me too seeing her like this. She's talking to someone who she wanted to forget just for my sake.

After they're done talking, I walked toward my mother. Then she saw me and smiled at me.

Gun's mom: I called your father. He said that he'll contact us soon with regards to your treatment.

Gun: mom, I know what you're thinking. Having another part time job won't help us. It will only make you get more tired.

Gun's mom: it's okay, you don't need to worry about me. Seeing you becoming healthier will make me happy and contended. I won't ask for anything in my life, I just want you to see you living a normal life like any other kids out there.

I'm so mad and hurt literally. I always wanted to punch my father's face for leaving me and mom. For choosing his mistress over us. But what hurts me more is that I'm no longer important to him. I always look up at him. He was my hero. And no matter how much he does to hurt me and mom, I could never ever hate him. And this sucks.

Then my phone rang.. When I saw my phone it was Off who was calling.

Off: bii? Ive been calling you since morning,  I even went to your class and you weren't there. Are you okay?

He sounded so worried. At least there's someone who still loves and cares for me aside mom.

Gun: yes P. I was in the hospital, I had pneumonia, I still can't go to school tomorrow I have to take medicines for now.

Off: good thing you're okay. I told you dont stress yourself too much. You have to sleep and eat so that you'll get healthier.

Gun: okay p. Hehe... What are you doing now?

Off: I'm editing our research.

Gun: am I disturbing you?

Off: no it's okay. I... I miss hearing your voice... I promise, this summer vacation, I'll spend more time with you.

Gun: I'll look forward to that. Can I accompany you while your working?

Off: you sure? Okay... Ahmm let's see.... I don't seem to understand this part here....

He's pertaining to his part in the research. Hehe such a cutie... But it's so amazing that I was having a dramatic moment awhile ago, and just hearing your voice calms my soul down. Hearing you breathing makes me want to live too. Please don't ever change P.

Off: ahh this is confusing. Bii? Hang in there, I'll just video call my groupmates, I can't seem to understand this part. Why do they always give me the most difficult part.

Gun: it's okay p. Hehehe.

I didn't end the call until I fell asleep.

The following day
I woke up from a good night sleep. I went out looking for my mother, then I heard her laughing and talking to someone.
Then she saw me.

Gun's mom: gun good morning look who we got here. It's Tay. How long has it been since we last saw him.

Gun: P Tay!!

I was shocked to see a childhood friend in here.

Tay: oi pet. I chatted you since last week that I'll come visit right? How are you?

Gun' s mom: he's planning to stay for a week cause his looking for some stuffs for the wedding. Can you help him buy?

Okay... Now I have this idiot friend to worry about


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