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Chapter 4

Tiana's Perspective

"Not all storms come to disturb your life, some come to clear your path."-Nitin Arora


     I had always been a firm believer in karma. The energy people put out into the world balanced off of one another creating good or bad forces. However, I doubted that notion on many occasions. It seemed fairly simple, good people lived good lives and bad people lived bad lives. I've questioned that logic several times because if this was factual the ideal good person wouldn't have to suffer so much on earth. Although Jesus suffered and he was a great man, and the impact of his suffering was much greater than any amount of earthly pain.

    Sitting in frustration I punched the dashboard of my Honda Accord instantly feeling pain shoot through my knuckles. I had been driving for the past two days having only a couple of hours left to go when my radiator decided to act up. I hadn't washed up since before leaving in a public hotel restroom quickly before getting caught. I had not eaten recently or slept much, so my emotions were all over the place. Jumping out of the car I stood staring at the busy highway out in front of me leaning up against my vehicle on the side of the road. I was trying my hardest not to break down.

"I'm so tired of shit," I mumbled to myself walking over to the hood of the car.

    Calling a tow truck would have been useless without insurance, and the sun would be soon setting. Luckily, I knew a bit about cars. I pulled up my sleeves lifting up the hood fanning the smoke out of the way. My suspensions were correct, my radiator cap had popped off and I had no way to fix it at the moment without the assistance of a mechanic and the proper tools.

My phone was on the verge of dying, so the best option was trying to get in contact with a policeman at least. I pulled out my phone hitting the emergency contact button.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" The lady spoke into the device.

"Hi ma'am my vehicle broke down on the side the road and I have no idea about where to go or who to call, could you please just help me?"

"...Sure sweetheart, now are you insured with a company?"


"Oh, alright well do you have any immediate family members I could contact for you or any friends?"

I thought about Angie but my pride got the best of me.

"No...no I don't."

She hesitated for a moment, "well sweetheart where are you at the moment?"

"I'm in Dublin, Georgia on I-16."

"Alright, and what's your first and last name?"

"Tiana Woods"

"Okay, Tiana is this a good number to call you back on?"


"Since this is not a standard crucial emergency there isn't much I can do for you, but you don't have anywhere to go so I'll try my best to get a local sheriff in Dublin to come at you and take you at least within twenty miles into the city. There may be a deposit charge depending on the county and it may take a while for them to get there, but when they're close, I'll give you a call back okay?"

"Thank you so much."

"No problem sweetheart."

The line went dead as I stood in my thoughts. The sheriff could potentially understand what's actually going on with my car, but I would still have to stay here in Dublin with all of my stuff until I could find the money for a tow truck. This was just great.

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