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Clara POV

I wipe off sweat on my forehead before drink the water. I had played basketball for almost two hours. It's exhausting me. Coach order all the player to gather around. Today he will announce a new leader.

"I'm sure coach will choose me," Ellie said while giggling. I rolled my eyes, her overconfidence level annoyed me. Even we were enemies, we were still in the same basketball team. I don't know why we always meant together. We in the same team, the same class and she envied me. Maybe because I'm the prettiest girl in the school. Okay, I'm just kidding... But it's true though.

"I have looked all your performance and I choose Clara." said the coach. I turn my gaze towards Ellie. She looking at with an angry face. I'm in trouble now. "Coach! Why'd you chosen her instead of me?" she protests. "She has the potential and I'm sure she is the right person." she clenches her fist, she knows if she argued about this more, the coach will kick her out from the team. "You didn't agree with me?" she packed her things and walked away. Coach shook his head before looking at me. "Clara, don't worry. I know you'll be a good leader." I nodded. All the members said congrats to me.

I walked alone to the front school meanwhile keep thinking about it. I didn't know both of my senior, Adam, and Lisa was waiting for me. "Clara!" they wave at me. "How's practice today?" "Coach has chosen me as a leader."

"That's great!" Lisa said happily while I only shrugged. Adam raised his eyebrows, "It's about Ellie?" I nodded slowly. "Don't worry about her," Adam looked at Lisa. "I'm sure Lisa will punch her on the face if she trying to mess up with you," he said with a smirk while Lisa nodded, agreed with him. "I'm happy that I have a bodyguard!" both of them laughing at my statement. Adam takes out a present box from his bag before shoved it to me. "What is this?"

"Your birthday present," Adam said while rubbed my hair slowly. "My birthday is tomorrow."

"Open it," I nodded and opened the box. I'm speechless when saw sports shoes on it. These shoes that I wanted to buy, but I can't afford it. "These shoes are expensive," they smiled at me. "This your favorite shoes, right?" I nodded, "but..." "Don't worry about it, just take it." I embraced them while I thanked them repeatedly.

Arnold POV

After half of the day I clean the house, "I'm tired!" I said as I land my body on the cozy sofa. I heard my cousin, Sophia, giggle in the kitchen. I went to her, "What's so funny?" I asking clueless. When I got no answer from her, I take a glass of water to drink. While I drinking, Sophia keeps looking at me. I act like I didn't notice it.

We just moved here yesterday, and today we decide to clean the house. Don't think it's only two of us. My sister, Olivia lived here too. Sophia cleans the kitchen, I clean the living room and Olivia clean the room.

"You've finish clean up?" Sophia asked me. I nodded. "Let me do it," she takes the glass from me and washed it. "Okay," I went to the living room and saw Olivia went downstairs with a piece of paper on her hand. "What is that?"

"This is the list of groceries that you need to buy," she said. "Me?" she nodded and handed the paper to me. I looked through the paper with a shocked. "Why must me?" She crosses her hand, "I still have not finished clean up the room."

"But, I'm tired..." I pleading her. She shook her head. Sophia went to us, "anything I miss?"

"Since both of you have done cleaning," Sophia nodded but I hoping she would say no. "You guys go buy the groceries," she added. I saw Sophia nodded with a bright smile. "Fine," I went upstairs. "I take a shower first."

"Good boy," Olivia said while chuckling. I let out a sigh. I take a quick shower and wear a white t-shirt with a denim jacket pair with black jeans.

"Sophia, hurry up!" I shouted while closing my room door. She quickly went out from her room and follow me. Olivia gives her car keys and money, "only buy the thing in the list." She reminded us. It took 15 minutes to arrive at the supermarket. "You find all the thing, I take the trolley," I said while handling the list. Sophia takes the list and went in first. "Where is she?" I said while pushed the trolley. While wandering around, I accidentally hit a pregnant woman.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized quickly before suddenly being pushed by a girl. "Are you okay?" she asked the pregnant woman with a worried face. She changed her expression when looked at me. "Are you blind?" she said. "I didn't mean to hit her," I said, defending myself. "You know she is pregnant and you still hit her."The girls still want to blame me. "I have apologized to her before you pushed me away." The pregnant woman holds the girl's hand, "don't worry, I'm okay. He accidentally hit my legs." The girl looked at the pregnant woman, her expression softened. "Are you sure?" the pregnant woman nodded. Both of them walked away and leave me alone. "Weird girl."

"Arnold!" I turn my gaze towards the voices. Sophia was walking towards me with many groceries in her hand, "Why'd you take so long to take the trolley only?" I apologized to her, we find the rest of the groceries and quickly went back home after that.

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