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I'm shocked hearing what the doctor said. Lisa was crying in Adam's embrace. We went to Clara's room first. She had a bandage on her head. "Clara..." Lisa said while caressing Clara's hand slowly. I let them with Clara and went to Ryan's room. He was not in her room, I'm sure he went to Alice's room. When I opened the door, I saw he was crying beside Alice, who was still unconscious. "Ryan," he looked at me with his red eyes. "My b-baby," he stuttered. I rubbed her back. "I know," I said slowly. The room was full of his crying before he suddenly speaks up.

"I shouldn't let my dad drives the car," he said. "It's my fault," he blamed himself. "Don't blame yourself," he looked at me. "My dad will not die if I drive the car," he said and tears flow on his cheek. "I know, but think about your wife too," he looked at Alice. I know this was hard for them, they lost their first baby. I went out of the room to give the space for him to calm down.

Adam POV

It's almost midnight, Lisa still stays beside Clara. Tomorrow we still need to go to school, I wanted to take Lisa back home. But, it looked like she doesn't want to move from Clara. "Lisa let go home," she shook her head. "We still need to go to school," I persuade her. "If you want to go back, you can go. I stay here." She said without looking at me.

"Lisa please," I said. "We come back tomorrow after school," I added. She stays silent for a while, "Clara, I'll come again tomorrow." She rubbed Clara's forehead and went out of the room without waiting for me. I'm following her until reached her home. "Thank you," she said without looking at me and went into the house.

The next morning, I wake up early than always and quickly get dressed. I went to Lisa's house. "What are you doing here?" she asked while locking the door. "I'm waiting for you," I said. We take a bus to school. We only keep silent on the rides, Lisa always looking outside.

Lisa was quiet, she didn't talk with me or other people. During recess, she doesn't want to go to the cafe. I went to the cafe to buy some food for her. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder, it was Arnold and Leo. "You Clara's classmate, right?" they nodded.

"Is it true Clara accident?" Arnold asked. I can feel the worried in his tones. I nodded, "How did you know?" "The teacher tells in the class" I nodded again. "I need to go now," I said and quickly went to the class. I slowly open the door, Lisa was crying slowly. She wiped off the tears as I sit beside her. I put the food in front of him, "Eat this." She hooked her head. "I promised we'll visit Clara after school, so you need to eat." She looked at me with teary eyes. "I'm also worried about her but we need to be strong for her," I said as I wiped off the tears. She nodded and started to eat the food.

As promised, we went to the hospital after school. Clara has awake when we opened the door. Lisa quickly embraced her into a hug. "I'm thankful you're fine," she said after releasing the hug. "Where my family?" Clara asked. Lisa looked at me, "Let's me your brother first," I said. We help Clara to walk. Ryan was not in her room, so we went to Alice's room. Ryan quickly embraced Clara. "Where mom and dad?" Clara asked. Ryan let Clara sit on the chair and he kneeling in front of her.

"Mom and Alice still unconscious, dad... was die at the scene and my baby also couldn't be saved," Clara crying badly and Ryan embraced her again. After a few minutes and so, Ryan asked Lisa to bring Clara to their mom's room. He wants to talk with me, "Adam, I need your help." he said after Lisa and Clara leave the room. "Let's talked outside." He kissed Alice's forehead before went out of the room.

We sit on the bench outside the hospital, "You know, it was hard for me," he started. "I lost my dad, my baby..." he wiped off his tears. I patiently waited for him to continue to say. "Now, I don't want to lose my mom, my wife, and Clara." I rubbed his back slowly, "I know you're strong."

He looked at me, "I want you and Lisa always with Clara. I'm worried if I can't always with her because my wife also needs me, also my mom." I nodded, "I promised. I know it hard for you, I'm glad that I can help you and your family." He embraced me and thanked me. "I'll help you," I said to make him calm down.

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