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After Your Highness order Randy and Clara can't go outside of the castle, he went to his room. He takes out his drawing set and started drawing. He was focused drawing until he didn't notice his guardian looks at him. His guardian, Noah looks at his drawing, "Did you like her?" Randy was startled by the question. "How long have you been here?" he asked while continue drawing. "a few minutes ago." "What are you doing here?" he asked. "I want to make sure you're not outside of the castle." Randy looks at Noah. "Why I can't go outside of the castle?" Noah reluctant to tell Randy the reasons, "Continue your drawing, I'll leave you alone." Noah said and disappeared.

He focusing on his drawing again. Again he getting startled and now it's Clara. He blocking Clara from looking at his drawing. "Let me see," he covered the drawing. "What are you doing here?" he heard Clara sighed before looking at the window. "I'm bored," she said. "Do something," he said. Clara crossing her hand, "I want to play outsides."

"I want to be like that bird," she added while pointing her hand at the window. Randy looked at the ways and saw a flock of birds flies in the air. "They can do anything they want." he tried to persuade her. "Your highness must have a reason for it." "Is it too dangerous until we can go out?" he shrugged, "Maybe." "Why not we do something," she said while smirking. He looked at her with a questionable face, "We?" "Let's sneak out from the castle," Randy vigorously shook his head. They will be in trouble if they went out without permission or their guardian. "I'm promised it's would not long," she promised and keep pleading Randy until he agreed. "Fine!"

They sneak out from the castle and went into the forest. They were amazed by the surrounding. "It's beautiful," Randy nodded. He can't keep his eyes away from Clara. He feels glad because he can see Clara was smiling from ear to ear. "Beautiful," he murmurs. "Pardon."

"Ah... It's nothing." Clara continued to walk, he sighed in relief. They have walked further in the forest. "Clara, we should get going now," she nodded.

The sky suddenly darkened as if it will rain anytime soon. Suddenly he saw an arrow from nowhere moving towards Clara. He quickly pulled Clara towards him and the arrow hit the tree. He looked around but he saw nothing. "We need to go now." They held hands together and run as fasts they can. Unfortunately. another arrow hit his leg, he fell on the ground. Clara pulled out the arrow slowly and throw it away. Clara quickly put his hand over her shoulder and helping him to get up. They hide behind a big tree. He was sweating like crazy and he almost fainted. "N-Noah..." he calls his guardian. His voice getting weaker, with the blurry vision she heard Clara's voice want him to wake up. He couldn't anything because his head feels heavy. Slowly, his vision getting darker and he couldn't hear Clara's voice anymore.

Arnold POV

I open my eyes slowly, my head feels heavy. I've been in a building, maybe an abandoned building, I thought. Not long after that, I realized my hand and leg have been chained. I saw a boy not far away from me, I was shocked when noticed it was Adam. He was unconscious. "Adam!" I shouted hoping Adam can hear my voices.

Unfortunately, the more I struggling, the chain tightening more. "Poor you," I heard a woman's voices. The woman appeared in front of me. "Who are you?!" I shouted making her giggling for a second before changing her expression into serious. "I've been waiting this moment for a long time," she giggles again and grabbed my face. "What do you want?!" "You core..."

She released my face and takes out a sword. "Now I'll take it!" she said while swinging the sword towards me. I closed my eyes.

"Clara!" I opened my eyes and saw Clara standing in front of me, blocking the sword. The woman swings again the swing, Clara quickly dodges, she hit the woman hand making the sword release from her hand. She kicks the woman on her stomach hard, the woman backward until reaching the wall. I was surprised looking at Clara's strength. She quickly releases me from the chain and went to Adam. "We need to go now." We put Adam's hand over our shoulder and went out of the building. "Where are we?" Surrounding full with a large tree as we were in the forest. "We need to quickly before the door is closed." "What door?" She ignored my question, we run into the forest and after that, we found a big door, it's almost closed, We run towards and managed to cross the door. When the door was closed, it's disappeared. My head suddenly feels dizzy, I looked at Clara. "D-Did you feel dizzy?" She nodded. The dizziness getting stronger making me can't open my eyes. I don't know what happened after that.

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