Hide and Seek

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When I was still a kid,
I used to love the game
called hide and seek.

But today, it's no longer
the game I used to play
when adulting came.
Unlike before— it can have
as many as players as we want,
but now I'm playing this
game as one.

As the game unfolds,
the shadow that was once
my hiding place turned into
a single pretentious smile,
a facade that helps me
not to get caught.

With a twist,
I play not just the one
who hides behind a smile,
but also the one who seeks
for someone's care and touch.

It was a game
I secretly play with you.
But now it taught me not
to hide and seek, but hide
to lurk—I stopped seeking
a long time ago and I started
lurking in silence.

because at the end of
the game, it was always pain
who finds me—not you.

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