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Everyone who was invited on the trip was stuffed in a limousine and they were off on their long drive ahead of them

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Everyone who was invited on the trip was stuffed in a limousine and they were off on their long drive ahead of them. While Namjoon sat alone on one side, Joy was in between Jin and Irene. She felt uneasy so she decided to try to start a conversation with Jin.

"Thank you, your majesty, for inviting me, it's an honor to come!" Joy said as she shifted her body towards the man next to her. "Oh, no need to thank me, I'm delighted to have you and Namjoon here, it might be a good break for all of us." The car included Jin, Joy, Irene, Namjoon, Jungkook, Yeri, and V.

The rest of the kingdoms couldn't come, due to problems circulating in those kingdoms. The ride was not as silent as anticipated and it was a surprise to Joy. She was talking with Jin about the upcoming ball and how she was excited about it because she had never been to a ball before.

Joy then looked at Irene and noticed how she eavesdropped on every conversation because Irene hadn't talked to anyone but Yeri. Joy could read people quite easily, and she thought it was a special skill she had that didn't require her powers. When she saw that Irene noticed her staring she stiffed up and looked away, embarrassed. 

Her gaze was like the spine-chilling feeling everyone exaggerated about, but she only was embarrassed because she got caught looking. She didn't find the woman intimidating as others had, and Joy found no one intimidating. The limo came to a halt and they made it to the beach where they would be staying. 

At the end of the beach were 7 large two-story houses for each ruler and their guest. Joy followed Namjoon into the house and shortly got settled in. Joy went to find her room so she could take a nap as the king had already found him and said he would take care of his stuff. She found it and she had a beautiful view of the ocean and a balcony. The room was spacious and airy. Dropping her bag, she flopped on the bed feeling her body relax, and slowly fell asleep. 



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Taehyung walked into his room which was dark and dim. Due to the black curtains covering the windows. He sat down and fell back and laid down. As much as this was a little vacation he still needed to be on duty and protect Jungkook. 

As he was about to fall asleep he heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" He yelled, loud enough so that the person behind the door could hear him. Jungkook sprang open the door and walked into the room like a bored child and stopped in front of Taehyung. "What do you want, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked tiredly.

"In 2 hours I'd like for us to go to the beach. So please, be ready soon," Jungkook said and then walked out of the room, leaving Taehyung sitting there. He sighed, sometimes it felt as if he were taking care of a child and not an adult. Taehyung sighed once more and got up to take a shower, he was fatigued and didn't have anything to do.

Once Taehyung got out of the shower and got dressed he walked over to the window and opened it. He looked out and saw the Purple Queen at the edge of the porch of her beach house. She was relaxing there while Yeri was playing in the sand, and he smiled. It reminded him of a child and its mother at the beach. He left the curtains open and walked out of the room to find Jungkook.

Going downstairs Taehyung saw Jungkook dancing. He noticed he was playing a dance exercise game, and he also wanted to play. "Hey, can I play?" He asked. Jungkook nodded and handed a controller and started a game for both of them. The game was intense and both were very competitive but Jungkook had more skills and Taehyung wasn't going to deny that.

They finished playing their game, and once again it felt like old times. It was so refreshing and made him feel so youthful and free.

Both ended up chatting and laughing and eating snacks before getting ready to go to the beach. As Taehyung was changing he was remembering what had happened between him and Jungkook, he was flooded back with memories from his childhood with Jungkook. The countless games they used to play, the late nights, the playful days, happy memories that Taehyung would cherish forever until he took his last breath.


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Irene was sitting on the porch of her beach house. She was relaxing and watching Yeri play in the sand. It was like a mother who took their child to the beach. Irene had sunglasses on but she noticed from the corner of her eye and saw the blue prince's bodyguard up on his balcony, he was handsome she had to admit. He was the first person who ever caught her eye like that, which confused her but she thought it was nothing.

She then noticed two more people coming on the beach. It was the Red King and his maid, he was holding her hand as they walked through the sand, Irene tsked. She thought it was crazy how any ruler could be so close with someone beneath them, but she did adopt Yeri, so she was sounding somewhat like a hypocrite. But she didn't care.

She looked away from the couple that was walking toward her and Yeri and went back to reading her book. It was an autobiography by a famous monarch who lived over 100 years ago. It was fascinating and she got ideas from it. The monarch was known to be kind and gentle but he used strategies for a war that no one else had thought of and it was brilliant.

She finished her book, got up from her chair on the porch, and decided to get some sun. Even though she preferred to stay pale, she decided to get a nice little tan. She had a very flowy bathing suit cover-up that was blowing in the wind and making her look majestic. She sat by the shore and watched the waves, it was peaceful and quiet until out of the corner of her eye, again the same bodyguard was there but he was playing with a cat that must've been nearby.

She watched him, he was amazingly handsome and looked strong but gentle. It attracted Irene, she stood up and walked over to him and spoke.

"Is it a boy or girl?" she asked as she bent down a little.

"Oh, your majesty, it's a girl," Taehyung said as he looked up at the woman who hovered above him. Irene started petting the cat and crouched down beside Taehyung. "I've always liked cats, they're so much better than dogs. But I won't get one" she said as she looked at the animal.

"Why?" Taehyung asked.

"Too much work"

"Ahhh, I see," Taehyung chuckled. Irene looked at the man and put out her hand. "I'm Irene. But you may already know me" she said. Taehyung took her hand and shook it and bowed his head, "Yes, I know who you are. I am Taehyung, the blue prince's official personal bodyguard."

After exchanging names both went on talking with each other. Both got to know each other and told about themselves, but only so much of what they wanted to let the other person know. Both had spent the whole day talking; spending time with the other people there. Irene once smiled genuinely for the first time during her day with Taehyung, without feeling like she was losing her sanity or it being fake. And it felt really good.

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