"Natural Blonde"

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(Older) (alternate time line from where Cindy x Felix excise) (text conversation)

Ted: *text* morning Fe how was your night?

Felix: *text back* good.....get this Cindy isn't a natural blonde

Ted: *text* how do you know that?

Felix: *text back * ;3 well let's just say the carpet don't match the drapes

Ted: *text* ....what does her bad decorating style have anything to do with hair? ....couldn't you just change them out?

Felix: *text back* XD ...Teddy no ...that's not how this works...

Ted: *text* :/ I'm so confused

Felix: *text back* ^^ don't worry about just don't tell Cindy I told you.... I don't want my couch to be my sleeping place for a month

Ted: *text* ...uhm okay I gonna go bye

Felix: *text back* bye 

( XD i'm not explaining the joke here just Google it )

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